United Church of God


Devin Schulz Posts

Devin Schulz

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Devin Schulz

Pastor, United Church of God





Contact Devin Schulz

by Devin Schulz
by Devin Schulz

God is the author of the family. He desires our families to pass on from one generation to the next the wonderful truths of God. How are we doing in this area? In the kingdom, families will be supported and encouraged to share the knowledge of God and his purpose for mankind.

by Devin Schulz

What is first love? As we each have more time in the body of Christ, have we lost that first love? It is natural for us to let our initial passion fade. If we are cognizant of that tendency, we can take steps to avoid losing that precious aspect of our lives.

by Devin Schulz

The term Anti-Christ carries with it a lot of confusion. There exists so much conjecture about who or what will fulfill this role in prophecy.

by Devin Schulz

Prior to instituting the new symbols of bread and wine at His last Passover, Christ did something the apostles did not expect. He got down and washed each of their feet. In doing this, Christ was setting a profound example for all disciples of Christ to follow.

by Devin Schulz

The body of Christ is called to be unified. In the history of the Church of God, we can see this accomplished to various levels of success. Satan works continually to divide us. This will continue to worsen as we approach the end of the age.

by Devin Schulz

God Instructed Israel to celebrate a "Jubilee" every 50 years. This Jubilee year was to be announced with a Trumpet on the Day of Atonement. What themes connect the Jubilee and the Day of Atonement and how should these themes should affect our lives today?