United Church of God

Karen Comments

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  • karen a barber
    Hi Sharon, Please read my response to Carol Lynn. I hope it helps you both
  • karen a barber
    I need to be clear...We are not only called for salvation but to change from the world's way to God's character. Its a conversion process. So yes it's a gift with conditions...Repent & be baptized then receive HS and going on to perfection... work on changing. Its also in servitude of the Church & its work God is doing. I see so many comments that reflect traditional Christianity thinking Christ does it all for us. When I reread my comment I could not help but hear Mr. Armstrong in Mystery of the ages, "I cannot repeat too emphatically that those being called into the Church now are not being called merely and only for salvation. Nevertheless, in order that they may be kings and priests, as actual God Beings aiding Christ in the salvation of the world, those in the Church themselves must be genuinely converted. I cannot make this truth too plain. I fear many, even in the Church, do not fully comprehend just what is a real conversion."
  • karen a barber
    Yes, Jesus was without food and drink. Just like we do on day of Atonement. We must be careful and proper attitude of why we are not doing a complete fast....food and drink. If you have a medical issue say diabetic etc. You use WISDOM and not excuse and take care of your medical issue to the degree needed + still afflict your soul by not giving your flesh more that day then to keep your medical issue in check. Remembering also God is our healer and sustainer. It's all about attitude, humbled heart towards God or selfish my way Satan's get attitude.I Mr Armstrong has a good article on the different fast. Including fasting for medical reasons...but the biblical fasting is no food & no drink....maybe United Church of God has articles explaining deeper why Mr Petty mentions the other types without explination. You'll have to do a search. But if your healthy it's no food & drink to afflict your soul...Humble your sekf. Drinking water can easily sustain you for 24 hrs without afflicting. IMHO
  • karen a barber
    I wish there was a transcript for this. But I will keep stopping the sermon so I don't miss anything! thank you...I want not to treat God like he's just anybody....hmm as I typed that we should not even treat people with wishy-washy all over the place conversation either :(
  • karen a barber
    Yes, Virginia,....perfect title. When searching for answers "Move God up" would give you the place to look....the title alone is the answer :)
  • karen a barber
    Lena, I appreciate this...."But it also never tells us that any other words can lead us to eternal life".... IMHO: This was a perfect answer in a nut shell for me....after all we are only here for the gift of eternal life... gift indeed but we must ACCEPT it on its conditions... Hold Fast & Enduring till the end! But first we must know what that truly entails.