United Church of God

Skip Miller Comments

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Skip Miller





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  • Skip Miller

    Hello (again) evins5,
    (Since I used up all my characters, I have to write an additional note that was inspired by my personal Bible Study this morning.) I will keep it short: Read Hebrews 10: 32 to 38 in the NLT.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello evins5,
    A number of years ago I wrestled with this same problem. You ask, "Where is the balance?"
    Great question! That indicates you see a need to do something other than what 90% of others are doing and thinking at this time of year. If you read the article by Mr. Szymkowiak you know that Xmas is pagan but also that God wants us all to celebrate God's Holy Days.
    After you begin to do that you realize that God is a God of giving ! not taking away. So my wife and I , when we went home over that break time made a special effort to show those who were in our former homes that we loved them and still cared for them. And then, we had to explain what we had learned, AFTER, they asked. The amazing thing is that neither family really cared very much about the religious aspect. The only ones who saw false religion in Xmas were my wife and I. We had begun to read God's Word. We were becoming Convicted by it. A lot of water has passed under the bridge, since then. Our non converted families came to accept what they considered OUR strange behavior. But I agree, it was really hard at first. So: Be with them and love them but stick with the Truth you have been learning.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Harwood, If you own the business, then you can make the decision to begin to Work your way back to where God is located. Do you know where God is located? The promises that God made in both the old and new testaments seem to indicate that if you will make THE effort required to really follow God's instructions, God will MAKE it work. The real problem is, do you really know God well enough to absolutely Trust God? Big question.
    There are people who will help you understand if you can trust (any person.) Can you?

  • Skip Miller
    Hello Karen, I've not listened to Jay's message yet but I do agree with you, "Tenses are like past, present , and future." How did you like the Content of his message? Skip Miller (retired English teacher)
  • Skip Miller

    Hello Rejoice!
    I like that name! Lena has given you the correct answr but I want to add a scripture that seems appropriate here. (Just this one verse!)
    Isaiah 43:25
    25 “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.
    God forgives because He is bigger and better than all of us put together!
    Not because we deserve it; not because we are going to try to be better. (Be better but that is not why God forgives.) God forgives because the Father knows anguish and the Son knows suffering! Try to read how these both came about . Read God's word and meditate.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Francisco,
    We all will reflect differently , as we age!
    Kathy admitted that she saw things differently as an older daughter
    and I certainly evaluate my parents differently now that they are dead.
    But God' takes all that into account when He commands us to respect our parents.
    We need to allow any harshness or even downright bad behavior by our parents to teach us how we should NOT behave as parents or even just as people! I think of the scripture that says in essence: we will be judged, As we judge others! I want/need mercy! Unfortunately, from what psychology teaches us, we humans tend to repeat the mistakes that were laid on us.
    So in closing Francisco, be aware and ask our Father in heaven to make you a better parent.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Jonie, Lena has given you the correct answer. but I would simply add:
    the unpardonable sin is the one that you can repent of but simply refuse to do it.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Agbo Solomon, Do not give up. You are not dead yet. That means that God wants you alive. You know God can cure you of anything. If God does not, it means that God will give you help to live another day. The Apostle Paul was in bad enough shape more than once so that he would welcome death but God had more for him to do. While you are alive, you have more to do!! You have a wife. Love her; help her; help others until you cannot do it anymore. When God allows you to go to sleep He will. Till then, no matter how bad you think you are (or how bad your life is), if you do not give up or absolutely forget that God loves you there is hope. Do not quit!

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Mr. Klassen, Perhaps you do see Baptism as a New Testament substitute for circumcision,"Yes, there is circumcision of the heart after baptism but that is not the circumcision that God the Father spoke of when he made that law and it never changed. "
    Then what does this indicate, Acts 2:38: “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission [forgiveness] of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Circumcision provided a physical proof that the males were of Israel. Baptism ( after the laying on of hands) provides a spiritual proof (observable to Spirit) that you are a Spiritual Israelite,. Jesus Himself said, John 6:63 New King James Version
    " It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. " There was a change during and after Jesus' life. I repeat, "This new sign is ONLY spiritually discerned." The apostle Paul also spoke about the "mutilation of the flesh " in Phil 3: 2. It does not directly apply to your question but it does give a person pause. We need to be thinking, "How should we observe God's Passover?" Reread Mr. Stout !

  • Skip Miller
    Hello Nancy, Let's see if we can elucidate the correct sequence of events. We know that several different "hells" exist and the first one is the grave (Greek: 'hades'). Everyone that dies goes there. There is a Lake of Fire which will consume all residual refuse, including unrepentant but understanding sinners but this is after the White Throne Judgment period. If hell is cast into the Lake of Fire, it will cease to exist also. If another place is necessary to 'hold' Satan and the demons, that is exactly what and who it will be for. To repeat, the only 'hell' going on now is the grave.
  • Skip Miller
    Hello Maximino, This question seems to imply that there is absolutely no way that a true minister of Jesus the Savior could be contacted to perform this important highly symbolic ceremony. If that is so (that a true minister cannot be found) I would think that our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus would understand the dilemma and accept the desire as being sufficient. But please understand, Baptism is only the beginning !!!! It is NOT as the Roman Catholic Church seems to me to teach : a "ticket into heaven." When we are baptized we have all our past sins forgiven but then we are to live a strenuous life of overcoming. Scripture does list a couple of instances that seem to be exceptions to the rule but completely immersing yourself in water to simulate Baptism seems to me to be "overboard." Please consider what I have said. UCG has ministers all over this world.
  • Skip Miller

    Hello Bianca, I too was raised in the Catholic Church and it was hard for my wife and me to forget Xmas! But we had been in God's Church for a few years before having children so they never knew Xmas except from their friends (not in the Church.) Give presents to your kids on the Holy Days. (Not like Xmas but something real and good.) Prepare a special meal and talk to them about what that Holy Day means, Yes, we did this with them Every Sabbath! If there are others with children in the congregation you attend, those parents (and kids) will help you (as you can help them.) We need each other.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Catharine, How does "a woman's bare head usurp (man's) God-given role as leader?"
    A fuller explanation is needed. Please just say a few more words so that we may talk.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Cindy, I certainly agree that angels (or demons, 'fallen angels') are not of the 'human' type! And it is probable that they will have some influence in the "delusions" mentioned in the book of Revelation. That having been said, our recommendation would be to immerse yourself in the things that we Can really wrap our human minds around, Right Now! Speculation about what evil may or may not occur (and how) seems to lead people into "the woods." (an idiom for "getting lost.") God does promise a Christian, protection, but if we willingly begin to search out "the deep things of Satan," we might find more than we really wanted (or NEED ) to know.

  • Skip Miller
    Hello Orrett, Here are a few simple biblical facts, which you may already know: This verse states clearly that we will be received to wherever Jesus is. Right? Well, where will He be when He returns? Just about every eye will see Him as He is returning but where will He land? Zech 14: 6 tells us He will land on the Mount of Olives. If we more closely examine "the place" He is preparing for us we will learn that "place" can be translated "opportunity." (Both Strong's & Vine's agree that the word used in a figurative sense can mean "opportunity.") I believe as you stated that many people believe we will go to heaven and thus they simply Assume that that is where Jesus will take us. But as you know, He is returning to rule this world, this earth, and He will want us to be here with Him! We have a couple of booklets that explain this in greater detail than I have. Just ask for one that shows where Jesus will reign when He returns to earth.