United Church of God


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Total results: 13599.
United News
Jerold Aust
God blessed the Church with another opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Following the December 2007 interview, when Alan Colmes interviewed me about Christmas, the senior producer of the Alan Colmes radio show indicated they might want to interview me again about Easter. He said they really enjoyed the...
United News
United News
Jerold and Mary Ann Aust retired from the ministry on July 1, 2020, after more than 57 years of committed service to the Church.
 Mr. Aust shares some highlights of their time spent serving: “Much of my service for the past 25 years was in UCG’s Media and Communications. My roles included Senior Writer for the Good News and Beyond Today...
United News
by Jerold Aust
As reported in the January issue, on Dec. 18 Good News senior writer Jerold Aust was interviewed for 26 minutes by Alan Colmes on Fox News Radio. Here is Mr. Aust's personal account of the interview about why the United Church of God doesn...
United News
Elizabeth Cannon
In this interview, Internet managing editor Aaron Booth explains the logic of sharing UCG Web content on the Internet and how you can make an impact in preaching the gospel.
Since July 2008, visitors to the UCG Web site used the "ShareThis" link to share our Web pages and articles in 704 e-mails, 233 Facebook posts, 118 MySpace posts and a slew of shares on sites such as Delicious, LinkedIn, Windows Live,...
United News
United News
Hundreds of newspapers and radio stations featured interviews with UCG ministers about "Christians Who Don't Keep Christmas."
The weeks leading up to Dec. 25 were exciting ones for several United Church of God ministers who were interviewed by major newspaper and radio outlets. The excitement spread to thousands of Church members as hundreds of stations and...
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley
Watching as little as one hour of television a day can lead teenagers and young adults to engage in violence such as fistfights and other assaults later in life, according to researchers who conducted a study that tracked more than 700...
United News
Robert Dick
Committee talks to three companies to find the one that can best help the Council map out a plan to do our work more effectively and develop the physical skills to bear more fruit.
Oct. 15 and 17 members of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) met to interview potential strategic planning facilitators to assist the Council of Elders in creating a fully updated Strategic Plan for the United Church of God...
Good News
by Jerold Aust
Best-selling author and award-winning journalist Joe Kovacs, executive news editor at WorldNetDaily, has recently written a new book, The Divine Secret: The Awesome and Untold Truth About Your Phenomenal Destiny. This insightful new book...
United News
United News
Stephanie Fraschetti, a talk-show host from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, called Don Hooser, pastor of the Sedro-Woolley, Washington, congregation, July 2, to ask if he would do a pre­recorded 13-minute interview with her.
She and her cohost, John Hall, do a talk show from 4 to 6 p.m. weekdays on Christian station WORD-FM 101.5 Pittsburgh (www.wordfm.com). She told Mr. Hooser they wanted to interview him because she found his Good News...
United News
United News
Alix Kubik, a member in Indiana, was interviewed by a reporter from USA Today about the service project she is involved with—coordinating a wheelchair distribution project for LifeNets.
Alix Kubik, a member in Indiana, was interviewed by a reporter from USA Today about the service project she is involved with—coordinating a wheelchair distribution project for LifeNets. USA Today included a...
United News

In the November-December 2019 issue of United News, you can read post-Feast reports and see photos from festival sites all around the world.

Good News
by Good News
In a later article published in the London Financial Times on Nov. 17, Dr. Kupchan predicts that the NATO summit held later that week would not hide the reality that these are "The Last Days of the Atlantic Alliance," as the title of his...
United News

This 16-page issue of United News features information about the new Feast site near Rio de Janeiro, the recent Feast of Tabernacles planning meetings and a new episode of Beyond Today Interviews with filmmaker Timothy Mahoney. Included in

Beyond Today Magazine

The news is full of one major shakeup after another.

Vertical Thought
by Ken Treybig
Conducting your own informational interviews is a good way to become more knowledgeable and comfortable in meeting with professionals.
