United Church of God


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Total results: 629.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Antonio Ndung'u
Feast Site Region: 
White sandy beaches along the Indian Ocean, lush hill country of Western Kenya, and a panorama overlooking Lake Victoria will provide the three Feast sites for East Africa this year. Mombasa, Ogembo, and Got Kachola will host approximately...
United News
Antonio Ndung'uMonte Knudson
Kenya had three Feast sites, two in western Kenya, and one located at Ukunda in Diani, which is on the south coast of Kenya.
The brethren were meeting at the Word of Life Center Hall. Some of the local brethren were lodging at the center’s apartments, while others were lodging at nearby apartments. There were 11 internationals who were accommodated at the...
United News
Jim Franks
Sept. 4 through 21, my wife, Sharron, and I traveled to East Africa to assist John and Merrie Elliott. Our purpose was to visit as many members and prospective members as possible in the two weeks that we had available.
During one stretch of 10 days we visited 12 groups of members and prospective members, conducted 12 services and 12 follow-up Bible studies. The groups ranged in size from as few as 10 to over 100. East African Challenges...
United News
JosphatAntonio Ndung'u
For the second time running, the Feast site was at the Word of Life in Diani, south coast of Mombasa.
The highest attendance during the eight days was 85 people including international brethren from countries including Canada, the U.S.A., Zambia and Rwanda. It was an enjoyable time as attested to by many, especially the children who could...
United News
John Elliott
Merrie and I have recently returned from our 35th visit to East Africa over 14 years, where I oversee UCG’s operations in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Rwanda and Burundi.
UCG East Africa has grown to about 30 congregations and Bible study groups now meeting in five countries, served by six pastors and two assistant pastors. UCG East Africa is registered in Kenya, and the Rwandan government has just...
United News
Antonio Ndung'u
Kevin Eboya and I left Kenya on June 7, 2018, to visit the six Bible study groups in Burundi and Rwanda in East Africa.
On landing at the Bujumbura International Airport at 7:30 p.m., we were met by Remy Nsengiyumva and two gentlemen who had come with a taxi to take us to the Hotel in Buganda. On the way we picked up Fabien Semivumbi from Rwanda, who has...
United News
Peter Eddington
We are running advertising campaigns on Roku devices in the U.S.A. based on impressions by the thousand, or CPM. A variety of designs and program graphics appear.
After five years of advertising that began on Nov. 26, 2016, we are seeing the following cumulative results through Nov. 20, 2021: 39.71 million advertising impressions (25 percent increase over last November). 360,756 advertising...
United News
Aaron Booth
UCG gets on ground floor with application to reach mobile Web users.
The release of the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch provided a new opportunity to reach mobile Web users with the gospel message. Internet Manager Aaron Booth, with assistance from Chris Stewart, developed a Web application that allowed UCG to...
United News
Antonio Ndung'u
The following is a report of my visits to Rwanda and Burundi. These countries are now within the East Africa Community of Nations, and the church and prospective members happen to be overseen from the office in Nairobi. 
I left Nairobi for Kigali in Rwanda on March 1, 2017, by motor coach for a 24-hour journey through Uganda and arriving in Kigali exactly 24 hours later at 4:55 p.m. on March 2. I checked into a local motel a few minutes from the Nyabugongo...
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder, Scott Ashley
A recent study in The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that people who are not users of illegal drugs, but who live in households of users, are killed at a rate 11 times higher than those who live in drug-free homes.
United News
Stuart Packer
It was with much anticipation (and a fair amount of tiredness!) that we landed in Nairobi, Kenya, after our long journey from Melbourne, Australia.
It was with much anticipation (and a fair amount of tiredness!) that we landed in Nairobi, Kenya, after our long journey from Melbourne, Australia. None of us knew what to expect but we were all eager to begin our African experience!...
by Andy Lee
Cleveland, OH
Jesus Christ left us behind to be lights in this world. Christ desires to work with those who are humble and have faith in God. Light is irrepressible and it is difficult to keep light out. Lets learn more about allowing our light to...
Good News
by Good News
The 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, under the auspices of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, tracks drug use among those 12 years and older. It revealed:
Beyond Today
by Cecil Maranville
Millions of teens and young adults around the world are getting high on ecstasy. They believe it to be the ideal drug, bringing out the best in them with virtually no side effects or danger. But evidence is mounting that there are both...
Website Help
If you have forgotten your password to your account and are not logged into the website: 1. To reset your password, click on the "Sign In | Sign Up" button then click on the "Request New Password" link. You can also go directly to...
by Tom Disher
The Internet team at the United Church of God is always looking for ways to improve our visitor's experience.
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville, John Ross Schroeder
Young adults have found another substance to give them a rush, but it's rushing some to their graves. Ever vulnerable to the unscrupulous pushers of potions, young people in their late teens and early 20s are buying laughing gas to get...
