United Church of God


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Total results: 46267.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty, Victor Kubik, Melvin Rhodes
If there is an all-powerful God, why does he permit pain and grief? There is a surprising answer you need to know!
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
If God is truly loving and merciful, why does He permit so much pain, evil and misery? Tune in to discover answers.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers, Gary Petty, Darris McNeely
If God is loving and all-powerful, where is He when people endure misery, distress and anguish? Discover surprising answers!
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Although this question has puzzled many people, the crucial answer is offered in the pages of the Bible.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
How can we understand why God allows suffering?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
If there is an all-powerful, loving Creator, why does He allow distress and suffering? Discover the important answer.
United News
Peter Eddington
From July 18 through 28 our Beyond Today television presenters, along with four technical staff, are going to record nine new Beyond Today television programs on location in Germany and Belgium. Six will be in English, and three will be in...
[JULY 12 2017] Beyond Today television presenters Steve Myers, Gary Petty and Darris McNeely will each record two programs, and Paul Kieffer, our German-language director, will record three programs in German for our...
by Micah Gunn
One of the universal questions all people ask: if God exists, and is good, why does He allow suffering? Atheists and believers alike wonder about this question. The Bible itself wrestles with this question! In this video we briefly...
by Arvid Simmons
Jackson, TN
How can a merciful God allow all of the suffering on this earth?  Why must you suffer?  God is building holy, righteous character in each of us and learning patience and trust in suffering builds that character.  We learn that sin brings...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
So many ask why good people suffer along with the unrighteous? How do we come to an answer to this question?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
When you are suffering keep Philippians 3:8 in mind, that loss with the right mindset and the right actions to follow can truly be gain.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Why would God query you? Isn’t He all-knowing? What kind of answers would He expect? Are you prepared for a challenge?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Beyond Today Editor
Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers, Darris McNeely
Tragedy gives us an opportunity to not only develop but to show our character.
United News
Peter Eddington
An exciting and very profitable Beyond Today video recording trip was undertaken July 18-28 to areas of Germany and Belgium.
All three U.S. TV presenters were on the journey, and they recorded two programs each. In addition, UCG’s German-language presenter, Paul Kieffer, recorded three programs in German. A crew of four also accompanied the presenters: two...
