United Church of God


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Total results: 18890.
by Brent Fogelson
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Answering questions about tithes and offerings. As we look into God's word we see that there is much more to tithes and offerings than money.
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
How did Sunday become the Christian day of worship for Catholic and Protestant Christianity? Did Christ, the Bible, or early apostles authorize this change?
by David Meidinger
Phoenix East, AZ
People believe God's promise of healing, but questions arise. Here are Biblical answers to several such questions.
by David Meidinger
Phoenix East, AZ
People believe God's promise of healing, but questions arise. Here are Biblical answers to several such questions.
by Gordon Hannaway
Tampa, FL
As we prepare for the Passover, we want to make sure we are not taking it in an unworthy manner.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Everyone has sinned. How can you overcome your sins and find forgiveness?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
The strange revelries of modern culture have their roots in ancient rites and religion.
United News
United News
The United Church of God can receive donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of shoppers naming the United Church of God as their charity of choice when shopping online at Amazon.
How To Sign Up: Go to smile.amazon.com, log in to your Amazon account and choose UCG as your charity. Then, whenever you shop at Amazon, enter the site first by going to smile.amazon.com. You’ll find the exact...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
What lesson can you learn from helping others that will help you overcome depression?
Good Works
Zach Williams
Good Works
How many of us adore public speaking?
As few as we could expect raised their hands in excitement when Chuck Smith announced that each young man in the camp would give a five minute sermonette. Yes, a whole five minutes! So they bugged out -- anxiously began working -- some by...
by Victor Kubik
I can’t tell you how excited I am about the new UCG.org website!
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder, Scott Ashley
Berlin-based Transparency International reports that the 1998 "Corruption Perceptions Index" indicated Denmark, Sweden and Finland were the least-corrupt nations.
