United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 2709.
United News
Peter Eddington
An expanded version of our BT Daily video blogs has been launched titled: "BT Extra."
CINCINNATI, Ohio – We are pleased to announce a new video series launched two weeks ago. It's titled, "BT Extra." These are longer, more in-depth videos patterned after our BT Daily video blogs (which have already been running for...
by Micah Gunn
Why are the Apocrypha considered part of the canon of Scripture by some but not by others? Should you be reading the apocryphal books like you do the Bible? We magnify these supposed “lost books of the Bible” to see what all the fuss is...
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
World News and Prophecy Seminars Online Check out recent seminars given by writers of World News and Prophecy at www.ucg.org/sermons/wnp.htm Blogs Visit the travel blogs of Council members...
United News
Victor Kubik
Victor and Beverly Kubik visit churches in South Africa and Malawi during the upcoming Holy Days.
Bev and I will be visiting our churches in South Africa and Malawi. We have a strong attachment to all our distant friends and hope to be a blessing to them as they have been a blessing to us. Will stay primarily in three cities:...
United News
Les BoothDarris McNeelyRobin Webber
Now with wnponline.org, World News and Prophecy has a threefold approach to help preach the gospel and prepare a people.
First came World News and Prophecy in printed form, then the weekend seminars (see sidebar, page 2). Now in 2005, a third phase has been launched with wnponline.org. During meetings in January with the managing editors of...
Inside United Podcast
by Kathy de Campos, Jorge de Campos, Victor Kubik, Beverly Yvonne Kubik
After returning from a trip to Angola, Jorge and Kathy de Campos, along with Victor Kubik and his wife Beverly discuss the history and future of God's work in the southern African nation. Travel blog and videos: http://v2...
by Victor Kubik
Victor Kubik and Darris McNeely talk about the United Church of God's proclamation efforts and the recent approval by the Council of Elders to change the title of The Good News magazine to the Beyond Today magazine.
United News
Mark Welch
In this personal from MMS, Mark Welch provides an update on two international trips: Jorge de Campos, senior pastor of the Portguguese-speaking areas, who is currently traveling in Brazil, and Paul Moody, senior pastor for English-speaking...
I greatly appreciate our international senior pastors who serve so faithfully around the world. Jorge de Campos and Paul Moody are visiting our churches and brethren this week. Because of the pandemic, there has been a long drought of this...
