United Church of God


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Total results: 26855.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Like Hannah from the Bible, we'll all face disappointments in our lifetime. The key to not becoming bitter is giving our cares over to God.
by Bill Cagle
Northwest Arkansas
Hannah’s deep gratitude led her to lend Samuel to the Lord for his entire life. As God’s called out one, we have numerous blessings and reasons to express our deep gratitude to God.
Good News
by Randy D'Alessandro
God uses a form of spiritual technology, a system of communication that may seem baffling at first to many people. It's called prayer. Effective prayer also requires training.
Inside United Podcast
by Darris McNeely, Victor Kubik
Darris McNeely discusses his trip to Malawi and South Africa for ministerial training for the local leadership.
Suicide: Understanding and Preventing It
by United Church of God, Michael Kelley
The Bible relates examples of depression of various kinds. It shows that depression and related emotional problems can afflict both those who follow God and those who don’t.
by Robert H Berendt
For those who believe in Him, God supplies an endless wellspring of hope that can bring us through the toughest trials of life.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
The Bible provides hope for those who suffer from depression and anxiety. And how do you help those who are considering suicide?
by Kevin Greer
Abundance of food and physical blessings aren't the only reasons we should give deep, heartfelt thanks to God.
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
The festivals are symbols of very deep truths that God wants us to keep in the front and center of our minds each year as we walk through these festivals. They teach us who God is and His plan for mankind. They teach us that now is a time...
by Frank Dunkle
The Bible is full of practical, down-to-earth and powerful lessons. Reading it regularly will change your life.
by David Treybig
On the Thanksgiving holiday, November 22, citizens of the United States will consider the things for which we are thankful. Many of us will say that we are thankful for life, our nation, our families, our friends, our homes and our...
United News
by Rebekah Shoemaker
If you have ever lost a loved one, you may be left with a question, long after the loss itself—what do I even do now?
United News
Vince Szymkowiak
We all know that God commands us to rejoice at the Feast (Deuteronomy 14:26).
Here are seven areas in which were able to rejoice at the Feast in Anchorage, Alaska:  1. The reading of scriptures during the sermon and messages. The scriptures that were read had a direct reference to the Feast (or Kingdom), and...
