United Church of God


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Total results: 7712.
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
In this sermon Mr. Kevin Call shows how God's Word is like a two edged sword. It shows us as that we must evaluate ourselves based on what it reveals as instruction from God. God's Word will help us to look at ourselves as God views us as...
by Robin Webber
When all is said and done, you and I need to realize that telling the truth is an equal opportunity challenge. Be it male or female, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat, all of us are at times put into the "squeeze play" of telling the...
by Darris McNeely
Today we are seeing spiritual wickedness seize the high powers of this age. Look around. Begin to see with the eyesight God can give.
Good News
by Good News
In our culture that has been influenced by the Bible for centuries, it is a religious belief that people should tell the truth. Why?
Beyond Today
by Debbie Carper
Fear can hobble us in life. Facing fears with God’s help can make us grow in ways we cannot imagine.
United News
Mark Welch
In this personal from MMS, Mark Welch provides an update on two international trips: Jorge de Campos, senior pastor of the Portguguese-speaking areas, who is currently traveling in Brazil, and Paul Moody, senior pastor for English-speaking...
I greatly appreciate our international senior pastors who serve so faithfully around the world. Jorge de Campos and Paul Moody are visiting our churches and brethren this week. Because of the pandemic, there has been a long drought of this...
by Mary Jackson
How much do we trust that God is in control of our lives?
by Amanda Miller
