United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 32148.
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
Mission and Vision statements help to guide the function of an organization. The Vision provides the goal and end result of what the organization desires to achieve, while the mission describes how they plan to get there. In any strategic...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
As we prepare for the Passover this year I want to discuss a unique tool that many of you may find meaningful and helpful performing your own personal analysis and self-evaluation this year. There is something about the activity of writing...
by David Horvath
Nashville, TN
Luke 4:14-21   These verses contain some of the most important words in Scripture. In them, Jesus Christ gives His mission statement, which must be ours also. Jesus read from Isaiah 61:1, but only the portion of Scripture which...
Inside United Podcast
by Darris McNeely, Victor Kubik
Darris McNeely discusses his trip to Malawi and South Africa for ministerial training for the local leadership.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
Events are taking place every day that are changing the shape of the world we have come to know. North Korea explodes a nuclear bomb
by Victor Kubik
Thirty students graduated as part of the Ambassador Bible College class of 2015.
United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik writes about living as disciples of Jesus Christ—as committed people who live and practice their belief.
How Are You Fulfilling Your Role in Making Disciples? Sitting on a mountain in Galilee some 75 miles north of Jerusalem, the resurrected Jesus Christ presented very specific directions to His followers in AD 31: “Go therefore and ...
United News
David Register
Education efforts will be driven by the Church's mission statement and an expanded statement of direction for all the education programs.
  As previously reported in the August United News, the Council of Elders unanimously approved an outcome-focused approach for education programs of the Church. Education efforts will be driven by the Church...
by Rick Shabi
Cincinnati East, OH
God holds all of us, individually and collectively, accountable for advancing the mission of His church. The Bible dramatically shows what God expects of each of us in order for His work to be blessed.
United News
Victor Kubik
President Letter
UCG president Victor Kubik provides updates on United Youth Camps directors' conference, upcoming Beyond Today LIVE seminars in North Carolina and shares thoughts on "making disciples".
United Youth Camps Directors' Conference We were pleased to host the camp directors' conference this past week at the home office. We also invited the camp directors' wives to come. Several came and offered valuable suggestions and...
United News
by Darris McNeely
The Vision Statement of the United Church of God has been revised and submitted to the GCE for approval. What's the vision of the church? What part do we each have to play?
United News
Aaron Dean
We are pleased once again to have an independent audit that gives us an unbiased opinion of our operations.
From the Treasurer Dear Brethren, We are pleased once again to have an independent audit that gives us an unbiased opinion of our operations. This administration desires transparency, so for the first time the entire...
United News
by Robert Curry
"Everything God does points toward the Kingdom of God," stated Clyde Kilough, president of United Church of God at the recent Feast of Tabernacles in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
United News
Victor Kubik
President Letter
UCG president Victor Kubik provides home office updates and encourages UCG members to promote the gospel message.
What a joy to meet the Class of 2017 students at Ambassador Bible College as the academic year began a few days ago. On Sunday, a picnic was held on the home office grounds to help everyone get acquainted. On Monday, we conducted...
by Bill Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
What should the church look like? What should the United Church of God look like if it's going to accomplish its mission? Are we or have we a real vision of what this church should be, or what it should look like?
