United Church of God


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Total results: 30110.
by Lorelei Nettles
We often take for granted the superstitions, belief systems, and idols we have in this day and age, thinking these types of things are of the past. But they are very much alive and kicking in today's world.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Imagine doing this. But does it mean you would be abandoning Christ? The answer is no! Discover the Bible’s pivotal reason.
by Robin Webber
I'm talking about those endeavoring to "put Christ back into Christmas"—thinking they are doing God a favor. If this seems to be your current challenge have you ever asked yourself: Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ, how do you want to be...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Learning that Christmas is unlawful to God leaves many looking for a specific day they can celebrate Christ. Discover the answer in this episode of BT Daily.
by Lena VanAusdle
Have you ever had a moment where you just stare in the mirror and wonder how you got to where you are?
Vertical Thought
by Scott Hoefker
"I'm saved—I can feel Jesus in my heart!" "I had an awesome experience with the Lord!" "Oh, the Spirit leads me with feelings overwhelming!" Emotion-based religious sentiments seem to be the norm these days—but is that a good thing?
by Robert Curry
Since the semitic word Ba’al is translated Master or Lord and the word for king was melek (similar to Molech), it was easy for people to think their pagan worship was not only acceptable but that it was righteous. “Just worshiping my Lord...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Can a holiday with wicked, ungodly origins be dressed up and made acceptable to God? Tune in to hear a surprising dialog.
