United Church of God


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Total results: 30652.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study primarily reviews the Book of Acts, Chapters 1-8. For the review questions, please use the downloads link.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible study focuses primarily on reviewing the Book of Hebrews
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
The Bible Study primarily reviews Chapters 1 through 4 of the Book of Acts
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
This study covers a review of the reign of the gentile kingdoms and why the woman of Rev 17 (the great harlot) only rides the beast after the first three horns of Dan 7 and Rev 13 are plucked out. That clarifies and identifies the beast of...
Family Study Guides

In this Family Study Guide, we examine Days 5-6 of God's creation of sea creatures, birds, land animals, and humans. It explores the incredible miracles of these living things.

by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
This Bible Study offers a review of the Book of Jude with instructions on how to "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
The firstfruits, the three resurrections and the final judgment: The destruction of the wicked (Death and Hades) in the lake of fire.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Meditating on God's Word can take your understanding to the next level.
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
Mr. Smith continues his Bible Study series on the book of Zechariah. In this study he looks at the four messages God gave to Zechariah to deliver to the nation in chapters 7 and 8. These messages contain: a review of why Judah went into...
Family Study Guides

This series of Youth Instruction studies will continue building our relationship with God and others with an in-depth review into God’s Fruit of the Spirit.  Each month we will discuss a specific Fruit of the Spirit by 1) defining what it looks like, 2) giv

United News
Peter EddingtonTom Robinson
Begin your study of the Book of Ecclesiastes using the Church's Bible Reading Program, and complete it before the Feast of Tabernacles.
[July 11, 2018] We are pleased to announce that the Book of Ecclesiastes has been completed and is now available in the Church’s Bible Reading Program/Commentary. We are sorry for the extensive delay, but now the Old Testament is...
by Larry Walker
The mere possibility of a scientific breakthrough of such magnitude is already raising questions and creating a stir of interest and controversy. One newspaper article on the subject posed the question, "Will we need religion any more?"
Family Study Guides

These Youth Instruction studies will continue building our relationship with God and others with an in-depth review into God’s Fruit of the Spirit.  Each month we will discuss a specific Fruit of the Spirit by 1) defining what it looks like, 2) giving examp

by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
The first five seals are reviewed; The mark of the Beast; The image of the Beast; The number of his name; The work by the Church as an organization is ended; The Two Witnesses preach during the Tribulation; The King of the South pushes...
Bible Study Course Lesson 12
by United Church of God
We hope this is only your beginning of a thorough and continuing study of God's Word.
by Michael Fike
Tampa, FL
The book of Jude was written nearly 2000 years ago.  While it was written to the first century church, it is applicable for us today. The book of Jude warns us to beware of false teachers and false teachings. Jude’s words of encouragement...
United News
United News
Join us and read through the book of Deuteronomy before the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles.
As we approach the Feast of Tabernacles and Eighth Day and the return of Jesus Christ to this earth, we are reminded of something God commanded His people to do every seven years. We find it in Deuteronomy 31:10-13: “And Moses...
