United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3247.
by John Cafourek
Salem, OR
“What hath God wrought?” How many of you are familiar with this famous historical quotation? On May 24, 1844 history was made! It was a demonstration witnessed by members of the U.S. Congress. American inventor Samuel F.B. Morse...
by Paul Smith
Tucson, AZ
This sermon explores Jesus' instruction to a young man inquiring about eternal life.
Bible Study Aids

We trace our origins to the Church that Jesus founded in the early first century. We follow the same teachings, doctrines and practices established then.

by Joe Horchak
Sacramento, CA
How did so much of the world get involved with such a dramatic and costly celebration like Christmas, and why? And, what's wrong with it?
by Doug Wendt
Orlando, FL
God’s voice can be compared to that of a trumpet – His warnings are loud and clear. Do we pay attention to all of God’s words, so we’re ready for all that this Feast of Trumpets pictures?
by Andy Diemer
Southern New Hampshire
Many concerns come to us daily. This is life; and the cares of life never really stop. We can feel overwhelmed at times, burdened with care, and troubled about many things like Martha of Bethany in the gospel story. We must set our...
by Doc White
Roanoke, VA
God is love. The Bible is a message of love. We need to develop Godly love in our lives. Ten points about love.
by Stan Martin
St. Petersburg, FL
Have you put the development of character at the top of your " to do " list? How serious are we about our calling to develop Godly character? Look, we all make mistakes, we all fall short, we all have flaws. Every true Christian knows they...
by Tim Pebworth
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Tim Pebworth Date: 6/7/21 Location: Orinda The Three Musketeers were one for all and all for one which can seem a bit trite in our modern society which embraces rugged individualism and the solitary visionary. Yet, this...
by W. Fred Crow
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Fred Crow 5/16/20 The Corvid19 virus issue is turning into a long-term trial. What is the best way of managing a trial that seemingly doesn't end or won't end? As Elihu, the fourth friend of Job, pointed out, we must return...
United News
Peter Eddington
Our dedicated Media and Communications staff works hard to ensure that our message of the gospel of the Kingdom is as relevant, compelling and motivational as possible. To help accomplish this goal and to see how our readers and viewers...
We received responses from 851 people and received their feedback on 27 key questions. We are pleased to report the survey results with the following statistics and accompanying charts: Q1. Please tell us how much you agree with...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
When we're placed at "Table 19," relegated to the back, we have to remember that humility is a choice. It's a choice that can allow God to work with us.
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2024 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2023 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
United News
Victor Kubik
With 80,000 cases of COVID-19 in China and hundreds more emerging across the globe, we should all be praying for everyone in the Church of God fellowship for protection and guidance.
As many may remember, we recently spent time in Hong Kong and southeast Asia, where the coronavirus has hit the hardest. I have been receiving regular updates from our people in China on our UCG Hong Kong WhatsApp group. I would like to...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
New studies show an increased death rate for white middle-aged males. What's behind this trend, and what can you do to live longer?
United News
Dan Preston
The Charlotte and Hickory, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina, congregations have recently begun a UCG booklet discussion series.
The goal is to help the brethren not only grow in grace and knowledge, but to do it collectively as a congregation to encourage iron sharpening iron. Each month, the congregation reads through a booklet on their own time, usually a chapter...
