United Church of God


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Total results: 4017.
United News
Peter EddingtonTom Robinson
Begin your study of the Book of Ecclesiastes using the Church's Bible Reading Program, and complete it before the Feast of Tabernacles.
[July 11, 2018] We are pleased to announce that the Book of Ecclesiastes has been completed and is now available in the Church’s Bible Reading Program/Commentary. We are sorry for the extensive delay, but now the Old Testament is...
by Rick Shabi
Home Office
This Bible Study primarily covers the introduction to the Book of Ezekiel and Chapter 1.
by Tom Robinson
Branson, Missouri 2018
This is from a Bible study lecture during the Feast of Tabernacles. This topic addresses a large amount of Bible prophecy. It shows God's faithfulness towards the promises that He made to Israel throughout history. Is the identification of...
by William Bradford
Northwest Indiana
The intro and first part of the new mid-week Bible study series going through the Sermon on the Mount. This week covers the intro to the Sermon on the Mount and starts on the beatitudes.
by Rick Shabi
Home Office
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah chronicle the return of the Jews to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and walls of Jerusalem, which were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. Fulfilling a prophecy from Isaiah, they return and face physical and...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study covers primarily The Book of Isaiah: Intro and Isaiah's Calling
by Randy Schreiber
San Diego, CA
Revelation 7 speaks of a great multitude of people coming before God at the return of Christ. Who are these people? Where do they come from? And why should we care? (Bonus question for BRP readers) - What do they have to do with the...
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Continuing our study of the Book of Acts. Ch 17:22 - 18 Intro
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Continuing our study of the Book of Acts. Ch 17:22 - 18 Intro
by Randy Schreiber
Northern Arizona
Revelation 7 speaks of a great multitude of people coming before God at the return of Christ. Who are these people? Where do they come from? And why should we care? (Bonus question for BRP readers) - What do they have to do with the...
by Lewis VanAusdle
New Jersey - North
Jesus came speaking in parables. These parables contain great mysteries of the coming kingdom of God and have the potential to help us prepare for the coming of that kingdom.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study cover the introduction to the book of Hebrews and Chapter 1
by W. Fred Crow
San Jose, CA
Armageddon is only mentioned once in the bible: Interestingly, it is not the final battle for mankind as some think. It is just the actual location for the armies of a deceived world to gather. Before reviewing the what, where, and when of...
by David Mörker
Twin Cities, MN
In the book of Proverbs, Solomon emphasizes the pursuit of wisdom and insight and exalts those who embrace these divine gifts. Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba, is known for his unparalleled wisdom, immense wealth, and the...
by Joe Dobson
Columbia - Fulton, MO
The book of Romans is unique in that much of the time that Paul spent in prison and as he made his way toward Rome he wrote letters directed to specific church locations and congregations. Some of those letters were to the congregations...
United News
Tom Robinson
An internet based Bible Ready Program launched
One reader commented: "Thank you for the new program of study. I have just downloaded a copy of the February studies, printed it and am getting ready to head for Office Max to start making copies. One copy will be conveniently left on...
Family Study Guides

The first in this series about the Armor of God, An Overview of God’s Spiritual Armor has been completed and is ready for your use! In this Family Study Guide we define the Armor of God as a set of spiritual tools that God provides us with to fight
