United Church of God


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Beyond Today Magazine

The United States is deeply divided—to the point that many Americans expect violence and perhaps even another civil war. What are the roots of these irreconcilable differences? Where will they take the nation?

Beyond Today Magazine

Is it possible to know whether God really exists? Is there a way we can know for sure? Few questions could be more important!

Beyond Today Magazine

In the 160 years that have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin’s book On the Evolution of Species, the theory of Darwinian evolution has dominated science and education.

United News

Welcome to the November-December 2023 issue of United News!

Beyond Today Magazine

Why is marriage important? For centuries, marriage has been the bedrock of families and civilization. Now we are seeing marriage under attack from all sides. What’s behind the attack on marriage?

Beyond Today Magazine

Did Jesus Christ really exist? Are the stories written about Him in the Bible true? Much as some don’t want to hear it, the historical evidence is compelling and conclusive. And if He did exist, who was He, really?

Beyond Today Magazine

What a year 2020 has been! It started out bad, and seems to have often grown only worse. This has been a year of a world in crisis. But why? Where is all this going? What lies ahead?

Beyond Today Magazine

Is the devil real? Many people assume he’s just a mythological figure or some sort of symbol of all evil. But your Bible tells a very different story. It describes a very real being of enormous power and influence over human beings.

Beyond Today Magazine

A century ago the Russian revolution toppled Czar Nicholas II and led to a communist takeover of the Russian Empire. How did that revolution come about? What was it like for the people who lived under the communist system?

United News

Welcome to the November-December 2022 issue of United News!

United News
Peter Eddington
On August 28, 2016, we broadcast the 100th episode of Beyond Today in Southern Africa. As of the end of September 2016 we will have broadcast Beyond Today for a complete two years.
AUGUST 29, 2016: In early 2014 a door was opened for the United Church of God–South Africa to air the Beyond Today television program on Cape Town TV (CTv) at very reasonable rates. In Cape Town, CTv is a non-profit community...
Good News

Big news inside this issue, the managing editor shares the news about The Good News changing its name to Beyond Today in the upcoming January-February 2016 issue.

United News
Peter Eddington
In addition to YouTube mentioned last issue (page 16), the popular online search tool Google offers a video search feature where registered users can upload videos to the Google video Web site.
In addition to YouTube mentioned last issue (page 16), the popular online search tool Google offers a video search feature where registered users can upload videos to the Google video Web site. This free service allows visitors to...
United News

In the November-December 2019 issue of United News, you can read post-Feast reports and see photos from festival sites all around the world.
