United Church of God


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Total results: 22488.
Vertical Thought
by Frank Dunkle
Wouldn't it be nice if we could, like God, see below the surface of a candidate and look at his or her "heart"—the character and substance of the person?
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
A look at how disbelief in God leads to an outlook on life that is without purpose, meaningless, violent, and chaotic. Concludes that the ultimate expression of our freedom to choose is to choose life and not death.
Vertical Thought
by Randy Shoemaker
How much better would it be if the whole world acknowledged God for the gifts that He gives us, instead of seeking only success for self?
Vertical Thought
by Randy Stiver
Remember when you were 8 years old? Life stretched out before you as an endless adventure. Seems like a long time ago, doesn't it? Vertical Thought will soon turn 8—and it's been a great adventure!
Vertical Thought
by Erik Jones
Bible prophecy predicts with certainty that in the Kingdom of God child abductions and sexual abuse will not happen—no more Amber Alerts!
by Rex Sexton
Genetically modified foods reflect a much larger problem—greed in the marketplace and the powerful drive for profits. The desire for more and more money can cause producers to overlook the possible adverse effects that these products could...
United News
Cecil Maranville
Personal Correspondence letters and e-mails totaled 245 for the month of January (89 surface mail letters, 96 e-mails to the home office, 60 Vertical Thought e-mails).
A number of interesting questions came from teens to Vertical Thought. A 15-year-old asked how to overcome an eating addiction, describing a frustrating and discouraging history of being unable to conquer it on his/her own. Another 15-year...
United News
United News
a Portuguese-language Christian magazine published in Florida reprints articles from Verticle Thought
Linha Aberta, a glossy Portuguese-language Christian magazine published in Florida, requested permission more than a year ago to reprint articles from Vertical Thought magazine in their "English Section." Permission was...
Vertical Thought
by Kamie Stoner
Vertical Thought discusses God's involvement in our eating habits with Hope Egan, author of Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat? In her book, Ms. Egan invites readers to look at their eating habits by examining the meat-related...
United News
Peter Eddington
Advertising of our Vertical Thought magazine for teens and young adults is now actively underway on the Internet using the services of Yahoo, Google and their advertising partners.
This is another project enacted as a result of the extra $531,000 made available last December. In just the first five weeks of running ads we have seen the Web traffic jump sharply. It should be pointed out that our online...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Becky Sweat
The world around us prizes qualities that are ultimately worthless and harmful. Your awareness of them will help protect you and your children.
United News
Sabrina Clore
The home office staff would like to present two new full-time hires in the Media and Communications Services Department— Mitchell Moss and Milan “Nick” Bižić!
Mitchell Moss was hired as Associate Editor of the United News,and he collaborates closely with Nick Bižić in the publication process. Mr. Moss officially began his new responsibilities on Feb. 25. His primary responsibility...
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder
We know the earth is a spinning sphere. But, to the untrained, naked eye, the earth appears flat.

Light, airy, and tender tortillas. Perfect for fajitas, they're so good warm, you'll want to make a double batch and eat them as you make them!
