United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 901.
by Joe Horchak
El Paso, TX
What does The Night to Be Much Observed mean for us today? I think too many times we just thing of it as a party with friends and family. Today we're going to look at the lessons of the night!
by Rod Foster
Austin, TX
This is part one of a series of messages showing that God is not partial or racist. We are not to show partiality to other in the house of God.
by Paul E Janosko
North Canton, OH
When this phase of God's plan is finally fulfilled, humanity will ultimately achieve their dream and aspiration of a homeland, otherwise known as God's kingdom, forever.
by Keith K Haab
Ann Arbor, MI
The United States is able to celebrate Independence Day because of the Covenant that God promised to Abraham.
by Jason Fritts
Murfreesboro, TN
How can we define real Christianity? What separates someone who is truly following Christ from someone who is merely going the motions?
by Darrin Keith
Huntsville, AL
Our physical health is important to us. There are times when examining physical health can lead us to spiritual discoveries. This sermon looks at spiritual toxins and the need to detoxify spiritually.
United News
Ariana Del Signore
On Feb. 7, Matt Hernandez, Mitch Moss and I met in Columbus, Ohio, for a tour of Hopkins Printing, which prints Compass Check magazine and the United Youth Camp magazine among other things for UCG.
On Feb. 7, Matt Hernandez, Mitch Moss and I met in Columbus, Ohio, for a tour of Hopkins Printing, which prints Compass Check magazine and the United Youth Camp magazine among other things for UCG. I had just sent the...
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2024 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
United News
Steve Myers
Would you like to have your own personal spiral-bound copy of the UCG Hymnal (song leader/pianist version)? We are planning a reprint of these and want to provide the opportunity for anyone to purchase one or more.
This large print, hardcover, spiral-ring bound, original version (8.875 x 11.25 in.) is available to everyone. It is especially helpful for song leaders, pianists and those who would benefit from larger-sized print or a hymnal that will...
United News
If you have recently graduated high school or university, we'd like to honor you in the July-August issue of United News!
We plan to feature the high school and university graduates of 2024 in the July-August issue of United News! Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below and send a photograph by June 5. Please keep it to 250 words...
United News
John LaBissonierePeter Eddington
Tests of new Beyond Today print advertisements will reach 8,000,000 households in July 2020. Four booklet titles will be advertised in coupon inserts in U.S. Sunday newspapers.
[JUNE 24, 2020] In July 2020 the United Church of God will conduct four tests of half-page coupon advertisements in Valassis “free standing inserts” in a variety of Sunday newspapers.  Although we have tested and rolled...
United News
Scott Ashley
UCG has now printed more than 5 million booklets, which would make a stack 12 miles high!
The United Church of God passed a major milestone recently when it printed its 5 millionth booklet. To put that into perspective, if all 5 million booklets were put into one stack, the stack would tower almost 12 miles high! The...
United News
Growing Good News circulation, lower shipping costs and faster delivery times were factors involved in a recent decision to begin printing Good News magazines for Southern Africa in that region.
Growing Good News circulation, lower shipping costs and faster delivery times were factors involved in a recent decision to begin printing Good News magazines for Southern Africa in that region. Beginning with the May/...
United News
This update includes an overview of recent Council meetings, a camp announcement and print marketing statistics.
From the President . . . Greetings, brethren, The Council of Elders concluded their meetings here in Cincinnati earlier today. As you may have seen from the agenda that was distributed last week, the agenda was quite...
United News
United News
The total print order for the January/February 2008 Good News magazine is 529,565, a new record. The previous high was 526,173 in September of 2002.
The total print order for the January/February 2008 Good News magazine is 529,565, a new record. The previous high was 526,173 in September of 2002. The quantities printed at three sites around the world are as follows...
United News
Bill Eddington
Copies of the March/April and May/June issues of The Good News to be distributed in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore and South Africa came off the presses at Offset Alpine, a printer in Sydney, Australia, on time, on...
Copies of the March/April and May/June issues of The Good News to be distributed in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore and South Africa came off the presses at Offset Alpine, a printer in Sydney, Australia, on...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Freedom of the press is a pillar of our society, and we expect the media to report facts and truth.
United News
Scott Ashley
Along with booklets, income and the number of donors and coworkers are reaching new levels.
In December we passed another major milestone in the work of the United Church of God—we printed our 4 millionth booklet! It took us over four years to print our first million. This year alone we've printed 740,000—...
