United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 903.
by Matt Earles
Lehigh Valley, PA
Judges 16 offers very different theories and often competing ideas. However, if we look past that what are the biggest lessons we should learn from the tragic ending to the life of Samson?
by Ben Light
Bigfork, Montana 2016
Are you truly dedicated to God? Are we here for the right reasons, as true followers of God?
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
Join us as we examine Matthew chapter 25 and see how we can learn lessons about Christian living.
by Dan Miller
North Canton, OH
Is it important to be timely? God is not bound by the laws of space and time, so does time matter to God?
by Steven Shafer
Seattle, WA
In order to be elected to serve in positions of leadership with Christ in God's Kingdom, whose vote must we receive and how will we know we have received His vote?
by Cliff Wickman
Twin Cities, MN
Given that there were false teachers causing trouble in Corinth, what has the nature of their teachings? This sermon scans the first 4 chapters of First Corinthians considering Paul's arguments in relation to what the heretics were...
by Christopher Shude
Flint, MI
Today, we will dissect the parable of the wheat and tares. What are the tares and why are they so bad? Who is the sower of the bad seed? What does this all mean for the people of God's church? Stay tuned and find out.
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
Man has spent history not listening to the ways of God. In that history, God has recorded many times the steps taken by Him that beg the question, "Can you hear me now?" What will it take for man to hear God?
by Jay Ledbetter
Lawton, OK
From the prayers of our Lord before His crucifixion through the giving of the Holy Spirit, how the Holy Spirit dwells and works within us. How the power of the Holy Spirit within us gives us the strength to achieve victory in the spirit.
by Luis Andrade
Petaluma, CA
The merciful, Jesus says, will obtain mercy. In our world we do not see a lot of mercy at work. On the contrary, we see a lot of bloodshed, cruelty and merciless acts against other human beings. But true followers of Jesus Christ must...
by Dan McGee
Phoenix East, AZ
We are in a time where we see more and more knowledge coming across. People are looking to get rid of God and they live without self-control. No matter what people have, they feel it’s never enough. We cry out, telling people to change...
by Steven Shafer
Ann Arbor, MI
To give seven ways in which we can cope with, and grow spiritually, from going through severe trials and adversity. The main seven points are from a lecture I attended back on March 24th, 1986 in Seattle. The lecture was given by an Air...
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2024 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
United News
Ariana Del Signore
On Feb. 7, Matt Hernandez, Mitch Moss and I met in Columbus, Ohio, for a tour of Hopkins Printing, which prints Compass Check magazine and the United Youth Camp magazine among other things for UCG.
On Feb. 7, Matt Hernandez, Mitch Moss and I met in Columbus, Ohio, for a tour of Hopkins Printing, which prints Compass Check magazine and the United Youth Camp magazine among other things for UCG. I had just sent the...
United News
If you have recently graduated high school or university, we'd like to honor you in the July-August issue of United News!
We plan to feature the high school and university graduates of 2024 in the July-August issue of United News! Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below and send a photograph by June 5. Please keep it to 250 words...
United News
Steve Myers
Would you like to have your own personal spiral-bound copy of the UCG Hymnal (song leader/pianist version)? We are planning a reprint of these and want to provide the opportunity for anyone to purchase one or more.
This large print, hardcover, spiral-ring bound, original version (8.875 x 11.25 in.) is available to everyone. It is especially helpful for song leaders, pianists and those who would benefit from larger-sized print or a hymnal that will...
United News
John LaBissonierePeter Eddington
Tests of new Beyond Today print advertisements will reach 8,000,000 households in July 2020. Four booklet titles will be advertised in coupon inserts in U.S. Sunday newspapers.
[JUNE 24, 2020] In July 2020 the United Church of God will conduct four tests of half-page coupon advertisements in Valassis “free standing inserts” in a variety of Sunday newspapers.  Although we have tested and rolled...
United News
This update includes an overview of recent Council meetings, a camp announcement and print marketing statistics.
From the President . . . Greetings, brethren, The Council of Elders concluded their meetings here in Cincinnati earlier today. As you may have seen from the agenda that was distributed last week, the agenda was quite...
United News
Scott Ashley
UCG has now printed more than 5 million booklets, which would make a stack 12 miles high!
The United Church of God passed a major milestone recently when it printed its 5 millionth booklet. To put that into perspective, if all 5 million booklets were put into one stack, the stack would tower almost 12 miles high! The...
