United Church of God


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Total results: 55344.
by Randy Stiver
Cincinnati East, OH
Bible Study on John 11 and 12
United News
Peter EddingtonJohn LaBissoniere
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year.
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 130,000 copies were reprinted (3 percent less than last year). This all equates to 1.3 million...
United News
John LaBissonierePeter Eddington
After having previously test-marketed our "Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army" study aid, we found it to be one of our best responding ads.
[August 27, 2021] In October 2021 the United Church of God will launch an ambitious print promotion campaign. Over 50,000,000 advertisements, placed in Sunday newspaper inserts, will reach households in large and small cities and rural...
by John McClain, Randy Stiver
Cincinnati East, OH
In this study, the following scriptures are covered: Revelation 2:12-29 and Revelation 3:1-13
by William Bradford
Chicago, IL
We delve into our monthly Bible Study of 1John, covering the first 11 verses of Chapter 2
by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
This message continues our monthly Bible study into the book of 1 John. This message covers the end of chapter 3 as well as the first part of chapter 4.
United News
Are you ready to give an answer to someone who asks you about your faith?
Are you ready to give an answer to someone who asks you about your faith? “Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). We will explore in this Bible study, given by...
by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
In this study, we dig deeper into verses 12-18 of 1 John chapter 2.
United News
John LaBissonierePeter Eddington
More than 8,300 responses have been received and processed at the home office, with more arriving and being handled each day.
[APRIL 14, 2021] Throughout the 2020-2021 fiscal year (July 2020-June 2021) the United Church of God conducted an extensive print advertising campaign involving the testing and rollout of several Sunday newspaper supplement “free...
Bible Study Course Lesson 12
by United Church of God
These questions are intended as a study aid, to spur further thought on the concepts discussed in this lesson and to help you apply them on a personal level.
by John Elliott
Phoenix East, AZ
Bible study - God foretells what will happen from the beginning, letting us see how He will sometimes steer events. Let's look at how God does this by looking at Daniel 11.
Good News
by Randy D'Alessandro
God uses a form of spiritual technology, a system of communication that may seem baffling at first to many people. It's called prayer. Effective prayer also requires training.
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
The final session of an in-depth Bible study on the book of 1 John.
by Gary Antion, David Jones
Cincinnati East, OH
Bible Study on John 20 & 21.
Bible Study Course Lesson 9
by United Church of God
These questions are intended as a study aid, to spur further thought on the concepts discussed in this lesson and to help you apply them on a personal level.
