United Church of God


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Total results: 53916.
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
People are fascinated with biblical prophecy and what to know their future. Are we nearing the end?
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
Christ commissioned His Church to preach the gospel to every creature. He is beginning to build a world for tomorrow through the efforts of the Church today. How can you play a part in His great plan?
United News
Scott Ashley
Many of you may have wondered why you haven't received a Good News expanded edition for some time.
Many of you may have wondered why you haven't received a Good News expanded edition for some time. The simple answer is that we haven't produced one for some time. The longer answer is a bit more involved. We've...
United News
Victor Kubik
Did you know that we currently have United Church of God literature available in Russian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian and Swedish?
Several of the booklets have also been printed, such as Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest and The Gospel of the Kingdom. The Bible Study Course is available in Estonian and Russian and is mailed out...
United News
Sixto Yap
On May 17, 2012, the Toronto congregation had an opportunity to listen to Edmond Macaraeg give a firsthand report about God’s work in the Philippines.
He was accompanied by his wife Lorna as well as 15 friends and family members. Mr. Macaraeg enthusiastically greeted his audience and mentioned the need to learn about the brethren who live on the other side of the world who are also...
United News
Robert Dick
Choices are an inherent part of life-for individuals, for organizations, and for entire nations. Some choices are easy, others not; but the most difficult choices are those between two necessities.
In pre-World War II Germany, Hermann Goering, in a 1935 radio broadcast, asked a question that later gave rise to an expression describing the hard choice a people face in wartime: Which will it be—guns or butter? In 1939, when war...
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
What are the signs of the return of Christ?
United News
Growing Good News circulation, lower shipping costs and faster delivery times were factors involved in a recent decision to begin printing Good News magazines for Southern Africa in that region.
Growing Good News circulation, lower shipping costs and faster delivery times were factors involved in a recent decision to begin printing Good News magazines for Southern Africa in that region. Beginning with the May/...
United News
by Jerold Aust
As reported in the January issue, on Dec. 18 Good News senior writer Jerold Aust was interviewed for 26 minutes by Alan Colmes on Fox News Radio. Here is Mr. Aust's personal account of the interview about why the United Church of God doesn...
United News
United News
The United Church of God in the Caribbean started very small.
Now 11 years after our new beginnings, it is still small, but God continues to bless the work in the region. Eleven years ago less then 20 persons and just two tiny congregations were associated with UCG. From those humble...
United News
Lloyd Nelson
Lloyd Nelson's life changed when he began to read God's Truth. Ever since, his goal has been to give that opportunity to others. During the past decades he has searched for open doors to distribute Church literature to people in his...
After spending four years in the U.S. Navy during World War II, I had great joy and elation when the war ended. But then things began to happen that started to trouble me—the Korean conflict, riots in South America, the Kent State...
United News
Neil Becker
The work of the United Church of God in South Africa showed encouraging increases in most areas for the financial and tax year ending Feb. 29, 2008.
The work of the United Church of God in South Africa showed encouraging increases in most areas for the financial and tax year ending Feb. 29, 2008. Good News Distribution The Good News magazine subscription list stands at 15,500...
John LaBissoniere
We wish to thank our Good News radio program monitors for their weekly service in monitoring our program on 15 stations in various U.S. cities.
We wish to thank our Good News radio program monitors for their weekly service in monitoring our program on 15 stations in various U.S. cities. From coast-to-coast these volunteers take the time to tune in during various...
United News
Peter Eddington
The fiscal year that ended June 30 was a record-breaking year with more than 27 million print advertising pieces distributed throughout the United States.
The fiscal year that ended June 30 was a record-breaking year with more than 27 million print advertising pieces distributed throughout the United States. This was more than a 400 percent increase over last year. Ten million of...
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
Local Congregations View a list of both U.S. and international UCG congregations at www.ucg.org/about/church.htm. You can also access many local congregation Web sites from this location. Good News...
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder
Magazine articles catch the eye, particularly one that begins: "A decade after the end of the Cold War there are still 550 ballistic missiles buried in America's landscape. And with them are the missileers, the young Air Force elite who...
United News
Bill Eddington
The Australian National Council has been researching the possibility of printing The Good News copies for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Singapore in Sydney .
The research project was initiated by the UCG IA home office to see if freight costs could be reduced. As mentioned in the December 2005 issue of United News ("Media Area Makes Cuts to Deal With Sharply...
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Week-long nighttime rioting in Stockholm, Sweden, and a surrounding suburb plunged Scandinavia into the chaotic social unrest that has already afflicted a number of other European regions, including France and Greece.
