United Church of God


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Total results: 50161.
by Doug Wendt
Orlando, FL
As Christians, are we willing to grow in the command to truly delight in the Sabbath? This message covers three points which are instrumental in how well we honor God every seventh day.
by Doug Wendt
Tampa, FL
As Christians, are we willing to grow in the command to truly delight in the Sabbath? This message covers three points which are instrumental in how well we honor God every seventh day.
by Doug Wendt
St. Petersburg, FL
As Christians, are we willing to grow in the command to truly delight in the Sabbath? This message covers three points which are instrumental in how well we honor God every seventh day.
Compass Check
by Emma Cortelyou
The Sabbath marks the end of the week and of a busy schedule. It is a time for me to get together with my friends and brethren in the Church and learn more about God.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Mario Seiglie
Many people view the biblical Sabbath day as an obsolete burden. Some even view it as an absolute curse! But what does the Bible really say? What does it tell us about the purposes of the Sabbath?
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
We are entering the season of the fall Holydays. In about a week we will be celebrating the Festival of Trumpets. This Feast day pictures two contrasting events in human history. They are not only a contrast of actual events, but are also...
The Ten Commandments
by United Church of God
4. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." The Fourth Commandment, to remember the Sabbath, concludes the section of the Commandments that specifically helps define a proper relationship with God—how we are to love, worship and relate...
Bible Study Course Lesson 11
by United Church of God
If we love God and desire a close relationship with Him, we need to spend time honoring Him and drawing close to Him by observing the Sabbath.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Do you need a break?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Learning that Christmas is unlawful to God leaves many looking for a specific day they can celebrate Christ. Discover the answer in this episode of BT Daily.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Did you know we’re commanded to take a break?
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Ten remembrances especially for the Sabbath day – what we ought to think about and remember when the Sabbath comes around.
United News
by David Johnson
Does the Fourth Commandment apply only to one day each week? Are we obeying the Sabbath commandment as long as we don’t work on the Sabbath? Is it possible to violate the Sabbath command on Thursday?
United News
Steven BrittLewis VanAusdle
More than 270 brethren gathered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to worship and rejoice before God
. We enjoyed the blessing of nearly perfect weather while meeting under a large outdoor tent surrounded by the beauty of Amish farmlands. The swaying of the cornstalks and the occasional horse and buggy driving through town added to the...
Beyond Today
by John Elliott
Is there more to keeping the Sabbath than meets the eye?
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Let's take a look at the Sabbath commandment a little more carefully and understand why this day is so important to God and why this seventh day of the week is so important for us.
