United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 52948.
Making the Most of Talents
by Vertical Thought
Life's greatest challenges are in every day decisions! Learning to choose wisely and learning from your experiences can prepare you for a rewarding future.
by Robin Webber
Orange County, CA
The important decisions we need to make throughout our lives have bearing on our future development. Biblical examples are reviewed to provide lessons in making right decisions covering five separate "squeeze plays" of human nature. Our...
by Ken Cline
Twin Cities, MN
Scripture tells us not to be anxious about tomorrow. How do we do that? How do we not think about tomorrow and the cares that can and will come up? The answer depends on the choices we make.
by Robin Webber
Las Vegas, NV
Preparing for decisions, making decisions, and living with our decisions seems to be the cutting edge of life. Our ability to make wise choices versus bad choices is ultimately what defines and shapes us. God tells us to be holy as He is...
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
We sometimes agonize over decisions we have made or are about to make.
by Leif Anderson
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 2014
Just like in the Garden of Eden there are only two choices in the important things of life and we must be able not to confuse imminent with inevitable when making our choices. Learn more about these two key elements to making wise...
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
The choices we make, large and small, define our lives.
Vertical Thought
by Frank Dunkle
Hollywood may tell us we're helpless when it comes to falling in love. But the reality is we can rule over our emotions and make wise choices.
by Doug Collison
Grand Rapids, MI
It's critical to make wise choices in life.
Compass Check
by Kourtney Kovanis
In college I took an entry-level economics class where I remember the professor explaining the concept of opportunity cost, a key idea in economics. Surprisingly, that lesson has stuck with me through the years.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
What kind of meditation will help us develop a deeper relationship with God? Should a Christian use transcendental meditation?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Paul said that we are naturally slaves of sin—that sin reigns over us. Why did God make man subject to sin? Did God intend for us to suffer the consequences of sin?
Meaningful Relationships
by Vertical Thought
A few misconceptions about marriage and explanation to clear them up.
Beyond Today
by Larry Greider
Some of the many decisions we make every day turn out well—others not so well. What can we do to make better decisions?
