United Church of God


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Total results: 5211.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
On November 9, 1989, 30 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down, showing that dramatic world events can happen suddenly.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
The Berlin Wall was erected to divide people. Jesus is returning to tear down all walls separating people.
World News and Prophecy
by John Ross Schroeder
This historic demand, delivered by U.S. President Ronald Reagan in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987, came to symbolize the Eastern European revolt against Communist slavery in 1989. Nearly 2 1/2 years after the president...
World News and Prophecy
by Paul Kieffer
How is Germany faring a decade after the Berlin Wall? Is the eastern half better off? Is the western half pleased with the results of the added costs of unification? What will fully solidify this country?
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, John Miller
John Miller, President of Superb Industries and Elder serving on the Council, joins Victor Kubik to discuss how a unique 2020 Feast of Tabernacles in Berlin, Ohio, became a calling for local residents.
by Paul Kieffer
Three thousand people gathered in Berlin's Schöneberg town hall square on June 26 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of U.S. President John F. Kennedy's famous "Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. The crowd was much smaller than the estimated...
World News and Prophecy
by Paul Kieffer
Conversations with German citizens show the diversity of feelings attached to the newly reconstructed German capital-a diversity that reflects different age groups, as well as an East vs. West mentality within the unified German state.
United News
by Kevin Epps
Nearly 18 years ago President Reagan challenged the Soviets to tear down the infamous Berlin Wall. But the apostle Paul talked about the tearing down of an even more important wall that separates people.
by Randy Stiver
The history of mankind is replete with examples of walls erected between people—economic walls, ideological walls, racist and tribal walls, educational walls, religious walls… Man makes walls to divide, to hide the truth, to exalt the self...
United News
Peter Eddington
From July 18 through 28 our Beyond Today television presenters, along with four technical staff, are going to record nine new Beyond Today television programs on location in Germany and Belgium. Six will be in English, and three will be in...
[JULY 12 2017] Beyond Today television presenters Steve Myers, Gary Petty and Darris McNeely will each record two programs, and Paul Kieffer, our German-language director, will record three programs in German for our...
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder
Today the Reichstag is the centerpiece of the new Berlin. It sets an architectural standard that should last well into the 21st century. The original building was torched in 1933.
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the former chancellor of West Germany, Helmut Schmidt, observed that the idea of a unified state of 75 million Germans arising one day in the middle of Europe was a cause of concern for many of the...
World News and Prophecy
by Clyde Kilough
Included in the many end-time prophecies is an often-overlooked element that stands as a powerful warning in addition to the events to take place. Why is it people will be absolutely stunned by the suddenness of prophecies being fulfilled...
