United Church of God


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Total results: 3667.
United News
by United News
OK, so a big raise or a beautiful new car may not guarantee happiness, but they can make us a little happier, can't they?
Mark Welch

This congregation is dedicated to specifically serving our scattered Deaf and Hard of Hearing members and as a place of outreach for Deaf people who want to learn more about the United Church of God. The United Church of God has local church congregations all over the world and has members from many backgrounds, cultures, and languages.

We are based on the belief that human beings...

by Mark Welch
Panama City Beach, Florida 2016
Through the story of Nellie Zimmerman, seven lessons are presented that we need to understand regarding the deaf and the blind, both physically and spiritually. One day God is going to call all people to acknowledge of its truth and...
United News
Mark Welch
Bend named to official deaf and hard of hearing site for 2006
The officially designated Feast of Tabernacles site for deaf and hard of hearing brethren in 2006 is Bend, Oregon. Interpreters skilled in oral interpreting and American Sign Language will be available at this site. If you would...
United News
Mark Welch
In this personal from MMS, Mark Welch recaps his Feast of Tabernacles and Eighth Day experience in Lake Junaluska and writes about God's faithfulness and the resilience of the brethren following COVID-19 cases at sites.
I would think that many of us would agree that the Feast of Tabernacles 2021 was truly a unique experience, perhaps unlike any other Feast. It was for me, and I would like to share a few of my observations and experiences, hopeful that...
Website Help
This deaf and hard-of-hearing resource page will be updated as we make additions and improvements. Its purpose is to make information available to those who are members of the United Church of God who are deaf or hard-of-hearing,...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Being quiet can give us the opportunity to appreciate what God is doing in our lives. 
by Steve Nutzman
Phoenix East, AZ
Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but lived a remarkable life. Spiritually we were blind and deaf and God called us out of that.
by Victor Kubik
Cincinnati East, OH
Jesus Christ is going to return to this earth, and He will rule fairly with a strong arm. But He is also coming to restore and rehabilitate. This is what His saints will be assisting Him with as His Kingdom is established.
by Dan Baker
Mansfield, OH
We are all spiritually blind and deaf until God delivers complete, transformative healing. Through His miracle-working power and inner-working power, God transforms our hearts and heals us from the inside-out.
United News
Frank Dunkle
How much effort am I willing to make to understand God’s Word? I hadn't thought that I took this special gift for granted before, but in the course of the past school year, I’ve watched the example of a Bible student who has had to work...
How much effort am I willing to make to understand God’s Word? I hadn’t thought that I took this special gift for granted before, but in the course of the past school year, I’ve watched the example of a Bible student who has had to work...
Sabbath Services
by Darris McNeely, Ray Clore
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - July 4, 2020
by Sal Cimino, Sr.
Charlotte, NC
When Jesus returns he will restore all things & the deaf shall hear. The question for us today is how is our hearing. (Spiritually not physically) Have we done some damage to our hearing that we may not have realized?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
To whom do you listen? The story of a frog race has a lesson for us.
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Christ performed a miracle with a deaf man, enabling him to hear and to speak. What can we glean from this biblical lesson?
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Shadows can be cast all around us in life. What are we focusing on?
United News
United News
The United Church of God provides a service that puts sermons in transcript form for those who are deaf and for prisoners who cannot receive tapes.
The United Church of God provides a service that puts sermons in transcript form for those who are deaf and for prisoners who cannot receive tapes. These transcripts are also provided on the United Web site for anyone who would like to...
by Randy Stiver
Sioux Falls, SD
Do you sometimes find it hard to focus and concentrate on the Sabbath? Do you contemplate the points made within the sermon later in the week? Or do you struggle, as some, just to stay awake? Randy Stiver shares some lessons learned from a...
UCG Short Films
by Jamie Schreiber, Dave Archer
Isaiah wrote of an earthly paradise where the predators will live peaceably with lambs and little children, and a place where sickness and death will end. David Archer shares his own story of personal loss at an early age. Dave has hope...
United News
Mark Welch
Approximately 500 people observed the Feast and Eighth Day at the Tanglewood Resort at Lake Texoma in North Texas for the very first time in 2017.
It seemed that the vast majority of attendees had a wonderful Feast and really enjoyed the gorgeous weather and setting at Lake Texoma! The messages for all eight days were inspiring, uplifting and educational. The opening night message...
