United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3191.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
The fiasco in the Middle East took a turn for the worst this past week and cost the lives of many innocent civilians and US servicemen. Many distressed Americans are demanding to know what went wrong. The answer to this question is found...
by Ken Vail
Olympia, WA
The New Testament church began with the power of the Holy Spirit coming into each of those meeting together with one accord on the Pentecost recorded in Acts 2. After nearly 2,000 years, are we carrying this torch that began with them?
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder
Today the Reichstag is the centerpiece of the new Berlin. It sets an architectural standard that should last well into the 21st century. The original building was torched in 1933.
United News
Jim Tuck
The opening ceremonies of the Olympics this year in France offended many Christians around the world by parodying what they thought was the famous painting, “The Last Supper.” The upsetting opening ceremonies may have torpedoed any hope...
The Olympics is supposed to be a time of excitement where the best young athletes from all over the world come together to compete for the gold medal. More than 3.05 billion people watched the 2020 Tokyo, Japan Olympics, according to...
United News
Timothy Kamiyala
It was a time of spiritual reflection, getting to know each other and sharing health and family tips as women from the Malawi church retreated to Zomba for the first time in the church’s history.
It was a time of spiritual reflection, getting to know each other and sharing health and family tips as women from the Malawi church retreated to Zomba for the first time in the church’s history. For three days—September...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The latest wave of anti-Semitism in Germany raises troubling questions.
United News
Mitchell Moss
The annual Nashville congregation bingo night has always stood out from all the enjoyable social events held here.
The annual Nashville congregation bingo night has always stood out from all the enjoyable social events held here. And that’s in no small part because of Arvid Simmons, beloved local member, who made it a tradition to tell (bad, silly,...
United News
United News
The Big Island came to the mainland Nov. 19 as the Lewiston, Idaho, congregation hosted a Luau.
The Big Island came to the mainland Nov. 19 as the Lewiston, Idaho, congregation hosted a Luau. Guests came from north and south to enjoy an afternoon and evening of spiritual edification, uplifting fellowship and fantastic food....
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
Some find it perplexing that this man with all his faults is among the faithful of Hebrews 11 who are awaiting God's Kingdom. What did he do to deserve this distinction? What can we learn from his life?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Darris McNeely
Following a rundown of events leading to His return, Jesus Christ gave three critical parables about our ultimate encounter with Him. The first encourages alertness and staying prepared.
by Darris McNeely
On Memorial Day, Americans commemorate fallen soldiers, reflecting on their sacrifices for freedom. Through personal reflections on the hope for peace, we should be focusing on the coming Kingdom of God when there will be no more wars.
UCG Short Films
by Rudy Rangel III, Lena VanAusdle, Jamie Schreiber, Lewis VanAusdle
The worst natural disaster to ever hit the island nation leaves people struggling for meaning and hope. 
Vertical Thought
by Hannah Baker
Does fear really do any good, though? Some say that it's impossible to live without it. It's an unavoidable aspect of life, isn't it?
Spiritual Growth
by Amanda Stiver
Ever thought about how Christmas was celebrated long ago and where today's customs came from? It's an important story you need to know.
