United Church of God


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Total results: 8738.
United News
United News
This spring the United Church of God received a letter from an Iraqi national now living in Bonn, Germany, who offered to translate our booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy into Arabic.
Peter Eddington, from Media and Communications Services, asked Paul Kieffer, UCG pastor and coordinator in Germany, to contact the man and determine whether his offer was genuine. June 2 Mr. Kieffer met with the man. His English is...
United News
Victor Kubik
Did you know that we currently have United Church of God literature available in Russian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian and Swedish?
Several of the booklets have also been printed, such as Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest and The Gospel of the Kingdom. The Bible Study Course is available in Estonian and Russian and is mailed out...
United News
Jesmina Allaoua
UCG-Netherlands printed its eighth translated booklet, Is er leven na de dood? (What Happens After Death?).
UCG-Netherlands printed its eighth translated booklet, Is er leven na de dood?(What Happens After Death?). The ninth booklet, Schepping of Evolutie: Maakt het uit wat u gelooft?(Creation or Evolution: Does...
United News
Vivien Botha
South Africa, with a population of about 60 million people, has 11 official languages! Afrikaans is spoken as a first or second language by only approximately 17 million. So why translate UCG booklets into Afrikaans—a language spoken by...
Afrikaans-speaking people make up a group descended from early Dutch and French Huguenot settlers who came to South Africa beginning in about 1652. For quite some time, we have felt a responsibility to take the gospel to this group. We...
United News
The new website offers a unified visual appearance and makes it easy for Portuguese speakers to find the Church's material.
After much diligent effort and hard work, Portuguese language UCG literature and other material will be available on a new Portuguese language website: http://portugues.ucg.org. The new site is designed as a copy of the main UCG.org site...
United News
United News
A special fund-raiser provided $3,000 to help pay the printing costs for the German version of the 32-page booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.
A special fund-raiser provided $3,000 to help pay the printing costs for the German version of the 32-page booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy. The booklet has already been translated and checked for language style by...
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Do you recommend a particular version? What are the strengths and weaknesses of various English-language translations of the Bible? Is there a best translation out there?
United News
The Portuguese language version of the Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God booklet has been printed, and the Spanish language version of Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion has also been completed.
The Portuguese language version of the Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God booklet has been printed, and the Spanish language version of Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion has also been...
Bible Questions and Answers
The New King James Version refers to Christ four times as our propitiation. What does this word mean?
United News
Johnnie Lambert
On my recent trip to Eastern Europe, I learned to a greater extent what it means to sacrifice to be a Christian.
Sacrifice is required in order to be a true Christian.  Choosing between friendship and truth is necessary for many.  Sacrificial choice is particularly required in most of Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, where there are only a...
Inside United Podcast
by Peter Eddington, Victor Kubik
Peter Eddington and Victor Kubik debunk evolution and detail God's plan for bringing mankind into the truth, as Peter also covered in a recent article featured in the November–December 2019 issue of Beyond Today magazine.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Is the soul talked about in the Bible an immortal part of human beings...or is it something else entirely?
Inside United Podcast
by Jorge de Campos, Victor Kubik
Victor Kubik talks with Jorge de Campos about the Portuguese language work and Angolan church.
United News
United News
Plans are to translate and post one Good News article a month on a new Portuguese Web site, www.revistaboanova.org.
Plans are to translate and post one Good News article a month on a new Portuguese Web site, www.revistaboanova.org. “For the first ‘issue’ I am clustering five articles (five months’ work) into one...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik reports on the formation of UCG-Netherlands as its own distinct entity on Jan.1, also providing a brief update on the work being done in the Dutch language and in Afrikaans. He also covers...
UCG-Netherlands As of Jan. 1 this year, UCG-Netherlands is a separate, distinct entity in Europe with its own National Council, like Italy, Germany, France and the British Isles. When UCG-Netherlands was founded, there were no...
