United Church of God


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Total results: 13998.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Joe Dobson
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Services this year at the Feast in Branson will be held at Presleys' Country Jubilee. Presleys’ is located in the heart of Branson, a widely recognized, family-oriented resort town located in the hardwood-forested hills of the...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Joe Dobson
Feast Site Region: 
United States
This site is full and the waitlist is now closed, pleaseselect another site to attend. Because of a scheduling conflict at the Mansion Theater,...
United News
Gary Antion
A Saturday Night Live inspired variety show, silent auction and bake sale organized by the ABC class of 2014 helped raised $6,000 to support summer camps in Columbia and Mexico.
The 13th annual ABC Charity Auction and Variety Show hit the stage at the Ambassador Bible Center lecture hall on Sunday evening, May 18! ABC partners with LifeNets each year to raise funds for a specific, international charity project....
Janet Treadway
Cincinnati East, Ohio, hosted its annual variety show March 18.
Cincinnati East, Ohio, hosted its annual variety show March 18. The evening began with a wonderful potluck, including a dessert table filled with a variety of desserts to sample. A special activity was added this year. A teen arts...
Vertical Thought
by Mike Bennett
So what are you going to do Saturday night? Another DVD? Another movie? Time to think outside the block, buster!
by Rex Sexton
Portland, OR
God uses a variety of people to accomplish His purposes. These people have faults and lessons to learn. The Bible shows examples of this variety and details their faults and the lessons they learned.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
God has a plan for your life. He has you right where He wants you.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Anthony Wasilkoff
Feast Site Region: 
Register To This Site Midland, Ontario For the Feast of Tabernacles 2022, we are planning to return to beautiful Midland, Ontario, Canada. This location is unique and hard to beat! As someone said recently, Midland is the next best...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
David D Schreiber
Feast Site Region: 
First do this: Register To This Site Then do this: International Registration Agra, India Your brothers and sisters in India warmly welcome and invite you to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with them in Agra, India, home of the...
United News
by David D Schreiber
At Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch, 100 preteens enjoyed four days of living, playing and working together God’s way.
United News
Mitchell Moss
Variety and carnival fun characterized two evenings in the Nashville, Tennessee, congregation recently, where the brethren came together for entertainment to raise funds to support Camp Nacome.
The camp is subsidized by home office funds, but additional local funds help buy new equipment, improve the campground, and meet other necessary needs. On the first evening, world-famous variety show host Lynn Harrington* had the...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Controversy surrounding North Carolina's "Bathroom Bill" has inspired impassioned debates representing every world view -- except for one. What does God have to say about gender identity?
United News
Dagmar Howe
On Feb. 25, 2012, the Southern Minnesota congregation hosted the 15th Annual Youth Day and Winter Social at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch near Stewartville, Minnesota.
On Feb. 25, 2012, the Southern Minnesota congregation hosted the 15th Annual Youth Day and Winter Social at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch near Stewartville, Minnesota. This year’s theme was Hawaiian. Services started at 3 p.m...
United News
Linda Porteous
The New Zealand Feast was held in the little beachside village of Orewa, just north of Auckland on the north island of New Zealand.
This year was the highest attendance we’ve had in United for a Feast in New Zealand with 185 in attendance. Everyone immediately had the opportunity to get better acquainted with the “meet and greet nibbles” after services on the first day...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Joe Dobson
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Branson is a widely recognized, family-oriented resort town located in the hardwood-forested hills of the Ozarks. Fall colors provide a stunning, millennial setting during the Feast. Situated beside two beautiful lakes with miles of...
United News
David D Schreiber
A joyous Feast was held this year at the Royal Palms Beach Resort on the southwestern coastline of Sri Lanka. Together, 88 brethren rejoiced and worshipped God together for eight wonderful days.
Inspiring messages, close family camaraderie and delicious shared meals at the hotel restaurant buffet were hallmarks of the Feast. Staying together in the same resort and having daily meals together yielded a millennial atmosphere as Sri...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Joe Dobson
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Branson is a widely recognized family-oriented resort town located in the hardwood-forested hills of the Ozarks. Fall colors provide a stunning, millennial setting during the Feast. Situated beside two beautiful lakes with miles of...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Anthony Wasilkoff
Feast Site Region: 
For the 2023 Feast of Tabernacles, we are planning to return to lovely Midland, Ontario. This location is unique and hard to beat! As someone sagely observed, Midland is the next best thing there is to an all-inclusive Feast site....
