United Church of God


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Total results: 50244.
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
God inspired a wise man to write that there is no end to the making of many books and that much study is wearisome to the flesh (Ecclesiastes 12:12).
United News
God has given us His Word to offer valuable guidance for navigating this anxious world.
From Ministerial and Member Services Encouragement, Not Worry We live in uncertain times! World events are unfolding before our eyes, just as foretold by prophecy. Concerns abound. Job security and financial stability are on our...
United News
This past weekend, the Labor Day Leadership Workshop held in Cincinnati was especially rewarding, productive and enjoyable.
From Ministerial and Member Services A Leader is First a Disciple This past weekend, the Labor Day Leadership Workshop held in Cincinnati was especially rewarding, productive and enjoyable. With the theme “A Leader is First a...
Vertical Thought
by Corbin Rose
God has provided us with answers to life's questions. The answers can be found in the Bible!
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
After Job's trials, the patriarch came to know God at a much deeper level.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Peter Eddington
Recent archaeological findings regarding an altar and curse tablet corroborate the Bible’s record of the Israelites’ entry into the Holy Land as a people in covenant with God.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Move forward! Every day we have the opportunity to move forward in our relationship with God. 
Compass Check
by Rudy Rangel III
A practical life lesson from a surprising and underrated book of the Bible.
United News
The Holy Days center around and teach us about God’s plan for all mankind and the centrality of Jesus Christ’s role in every step toward its completion.
Divinely Appointed Times and the Next Full Moon Greetings everyone, This past full moon of Sept. 17 was called the Harvest Moon, named this way because this moon graces the skies during the harvest season each year. As we observed...
Compass Check
by joe handley
Life is filled with trades. We trade our time and our talents for wages, and then we take that money and trade it for various goods and services we need. This trading analogy can provide us with valuable insight to keep us from ever...
by Andy McClain
Indianapolis, IN
Learn about seeking true treasure and not the treasures of this world.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
The process by which you come to the answer can be as important as your conclusion.
Mananging Your Finances
by United Church of God
God expects us not only to learn to handle our money according to His instructions, but also to share that knowledge with our children. So what are some of the ways parents can teach their children to handle money responsibly?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Winston Churchill was a giant of the 20th century and many books have been written about him. Three specific books hold some valuable lessons.
United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik writes about the Christian responsibility to discern what information they allow themselves to focus on, in a time when information is constantly flooding us.
Opting Out The Bible accurately predicts the tempo of life and escalated dissemination of knowledge in our time: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
You have to lock most valuables away, but the most valuable cannot be stolen.
by Frank Dunkle
The Bible is full of practical, down-to-earth and powerful lessons. Reading it regularly will change your life.
by Rudy Rangel III, Jamie Schreiber, Jonathan Magee, Jelly
Jelly learns a valuable lesson about stealing. Teach your kids the 10 Commandments through this fun sing-a-long.
