United Church of God

Turning the Hearts...Your Child and the Internet

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Turning the Hearts...Your Child and the Internet

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Did you know that 60 percent of online teens have gotten an e-mail or IM (Instant Message) from a total stranger and 63 percent of these say they have responded? Did you know that 9 out of 10 children between the ages of 8 and 16 have viewed pornography on the Internet, in most cases unintentionally (London School of Economics, January 2002)? I recently attended a seminar on Internet behavioral problems presented by Andrew Levander. The information above came from his presentation. With these statistics in mind, parents need to be aware of their children's Internet activity and to learn how to safeguard their children from potentially life-damaging behavior problems. The Internet is a wonderful source of research and information. It has potential for excellent help and instant communication. However, along with the good uses come the potential dangers. The primary dangers are exposure to pornography, contact with sexual predators, sites that promote undesirable behavior such as drug abuse, self-mutilation, the occult and other debilitating actions or habits. Parental Oversight is Key For many, social interaction sites like MySpace or Facebook provide a means for communicating with others. However, dangers lurk as well, since some may masquerade as friends and join in discussions. Be aware of the information your children post and receive on these sites, in order to ensure your children do not post revealing personal information to strangers. Our children hang out at these sites with their friends and perhaps others who aren't so friendly. So, we need to be aware of our children's Internet activity. Besides limiting Internet access to computers in family areas such as the family room or den, parents can also filter what their children have access to on the Internet through various types of software. Here is a list of some: SafeEyes at safeeyes.com, Cyber Patrol at cyberpatrol.com, CyberSitter at cybersitter.com or Net Nanny at netnanny.com. For accountability software, here are a few suggestions: X-3watch at www.x3watch.com, ComputerCop at www.computercop.com/homeprods.html or Parents Cyber Alert at www.itcompany.com/cyberalert.htm. Please check these out and see if any will fit your need. The Internet with its social sites, information and games can be a wonderful tool if used properly. But, sadly there are those who would use it to harm others. As parents, please be aware of your children's Internet habits and usage and protect them from potentially life-damaging events. UN

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