United Church of God


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Total results: 20681.
United News
Sarah Baker
Approximately 80 brethren rejoiced at the satellite site in Big Sandy at our own lovely church building.
Services were shown from Panama City Beach on the large screen in the auditorium. In addition, there was a live church service with a choir organized during the Feast performing special music. Two afternoon seminars were presented by John...
United News
Janet Treadway
The Cincinnati East congregation held a joint anniversary celebration for two couples who have been married a combined 125 years.
Jean and Ken Pulliam celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary March 31, 2015, and Ken and Phyllis O’Bryan celebrated their 60th anniversary on Jan. 15, 2015. Ken and Phyllis’ anniversary announcement was published in the January 2015...
United News
Sarah Baker
Approximately 50 brethren rejoiced at the Feast site in Big Sandy in our own beautiful church building. All services this year were live.
Dr. Donald Ward and Dr. Howard Baker gave messages with pastors Dan Dowd and Frank McCrady driving up from New Braunfels to provide sermons on Wednesday and Thursday. Members appreciated the opportunity to receive MP3 copies of all sermons...
United News
Reba Walker
On the Sabbath of June 14, the new Church building in Santiago, Chile, was inaugurated with 450 people present.
Many members from around Chile and one family from Argentina made the trip by bus for the occasion. Also present were Leon Walker, regional director for the Spanish area, with his wife, Reba, and special guests Jim and Sharron Franks from...
United News
Martie Reyes Carreon
Warm, sunny Tucson, Arizona, was once again a satellite Feast site for our local brethren who were unable to travel to other festival locations.
Our high attendance was about 40 for the first Holy Day. Most days we had over 30 people in attendance. This year’s Feast of Tabernacles was held at the beautiful Hampton Inn and Suites. Their staff was very gracious and accommodating....
United News
Jean Updegraff
On the weekend of June 21-22, the Garden Grove, California, congregation was privileged to host a Marriage Enrichment Workshop presented by Randy and Kay Schreiber.
On the weekend of June 21-22, the Garden Grove, California, congregation was privileged to host a Marriage Enrichment Workshop presented by Randy and Kay Schreiber, pastor and wife of the Phoenix Northwest, northern Arizona and Albuquerque...
United News
United News
The Nkhwazi Feast site in Malawi caters mainly to the Lilongwe and Nkhwazi brethren who are located in the central region of Malawi.
Despite the COVID-19 fears, our Feast preparation went on well. You may be interested to know that since its inception as a Feast site in 2019, the brethren have used tents and made booths made of reeds or grass for their temporary homes...
United News
Mitchell Moss
The best O.C. Bash to date
More than 100 young adults ranging in age from 15 to 28 and representing 14 states and two countries attended the sixth annual O.C. Bash in Southern California on the weekend of July 15. Thursday night, July 14, was an evening to...
Vivien Botha

Hello and welcome!

As you probably know, members of the United Church of God rest (that is refrain from normal work and recreation) and meet on the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) in compliance with the Fourth Commandment. We often don’t meet in actual church buildings - our local congregations meet wherever is suitable and accessible. We have congregations meeting weekly, and we would...

Good Works
Paul Moody
Good Works
Many jumped up to wave at us or shake our hands. It was a fun experience, but reminded me I would never want to be a movie star.
You’re welcome! You’re welcome! That was the excited greeting we received over and over from the locals on day three of our Nigerian adventure.    Caleb, Ben, Jessica, Jennifer, and I spent an eventful Friday walking the...
United News
Wilson Unas
Here in Agra, India, seven of us celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles and pictured the Kingdom of God. We celebrated the first day together, and also gathered together on the Eighth Day. The other days, we watched the webcasts and heard the...
I hope you all have returned to home safely after a great time at the Feast of Tabernacles with the blessing of God. I am aware that due to the pandemic many people have celebrated the Feast by staying at their home. I am also among them....
United News
Laura Moody
The young adults of the East Texas congregation hosted a ladies' tea on Sunday, May 21, celebrating and honoring the women in the congregation as "Women of Character."
The young adults of the East Texas congregation hosted a ladies' tea on Sunday, May 21, celebrating and honoring the women in the congregation as "Women of Character." More than 60 women and girls attended the event,...
United News
Kevin Call
Twenty-nine women met together for Ladies Club in Portsmouth, Ohio, on Aug. 13.
The interactive topic was “Bearing One Another’s Burdens.”  After a short quiz on famous bears, there was a presentation with many discussion points on bearing burdens and serving others. Delicious snacks were served, and the...
United News
Ruben Gusman
From May 26 to 29, the Kansas City, Kansas, congregation hosted its second Memorial Day weekend event.
From May 26 to 29, the Kansas City, Kansas, congregation hosted its second Memorial Day weekend event. This year's theme was "Building Spiritual Friendships." Guests from 15 states converged for another exciting and...
