United Church of God

Respect for Authority

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Respect for Authority

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Respect for Authority

MP3 Audio (31.9 MB)

Respect for authority is an essential part of the mind of Christ and as important for you to develop as other spiritual attributes like kindness, gentleness, mercy.

Sermon Notes

Respect for Authority

SPS: respect for authority is an essential part of the mind of Christ and as important for you to develop as other spiritual attributes like kindness, gentleness, mercy.

Imagine if you can a person elevated to be seated with Christ as king and priest… but who has not learned to respect authority. Let’s say they are merciful, gentle, and kind… let’s say they have multiplied their talents 10 fold and been placed over many people in the kingdom of God… but let’s also say they have never developed respect for authority… that they have never learned to honor those above themselves.

You know as well as I do that scenario will not work!

Are There Other Options?

Perhaps you think… I don’t really discipline myself to show respect for authority now but I won’t have any problem submitting myself to authority in the spirit born family of God. All authority will come from the Father and Christ who are perfect… I’ll be a spirit born child of God… why I’ll just naturally feel respect and honor.

You might say, respect for authority is not going to be a problem in the Kingdom of God because everyone in the family of God is going to be of the same mind, headed in the same direction… we’ll all just know what way to go… so, we won’t really need anyone to direct us… no one to say this is the plan, this is how we are going to proceed… no one to say don’t go that way we’re going this way so follow me. Anything like an actual hierarchy or leadership would be a mere formality anyway.

But, there’s this funny thing running around we call FREE WILL

Free will is still going to be a part of who and what you are in the family of God. We have free will now, the permission or power to choose right or wrong… to love or to hate…to agree or disagree. Disciplining and training that FREE WILL is what endurance under temptation and suffering is all about. I don’t expect God to then remove my freedom of will once I’m raised to eternal life.

Suppose in the kingdom God has some project in mind and give us all instructions as to how we are to carry it out. Suppose I have what I think is a better idea. How do I move forward? Options:

I could go along with the program but still be convinced that my plan was better and if only others know about it they would agree. I could start talking it over with others… “it’s not how I would have approached the situation”… perhaps hoping that if enough people would come to see that I really do have a better plan we may be able to make things change. Note: that’s kind of how democracy functions… but God is not training us for participation in a system where majority rules. We are being trained to participate in a system of righteous authority. Democracy is a system based on the rejection of unrighteous authority.

I could go along with the program but still, be convinced that my plan was better. But what I do is take it to God [Christ] directly. I lay out my alternative plan and wait to see what happens. Christ may accept my proposal or reject it. I give my input [if allowed] but leave it to Christ to decide.

The 2nd scenario shows respect. The 1st does not.

What happens if I present my alternative idea and it is rejected? Then how do I respond? Do I go back to option 1? No, I stick with option 2… but I have to be prepared to let it go!

Things Can Go Horribly Wrong

Consider Lucifer… a being created as perfect as he could be in every way. But clearly possessing freedom of his will. Lucifer had the freedom to come up with creative ideas… to choose between right and wrong… to submit to authority or reject it. We know this because at a certain stage Lucifer exercised this freedom and chose something outside the boundaries of God’s authority. He chose to consider himself no longer under the authority of God.

He said, “I will be like the Most High”… I do not respect this authority that is over me. Then the next step is violence because where there is no recognition or respect for authority there is only power… and that leads to violence.

How Is This Relevant to How We Live Our Daily Lives?

I might show disrespect to police officers, presidents, managers, bosses, ministers… but that’s different. They don’t deserve my respect. They are not righteous… they do this… they don’t do that… they have a proven track record of… blah blah blah…. I feel justified in calling them names or saying unpleasant things about them. But, I would never disrespect the authority of God my Father… cuz… well… that’s different… I would know better [pause].

But how would God know that? Lucifer rejected the righteous rule of God…

Or let’s put it this way… What might God do to ensure such a thing never happens?

Human & Worldly Authority Is a Testing Ground

Your creator has set you in a life [finite in time and space] where you are subject to authority… authority that is sometimes arbitrary, unkind, or oppressive. And God observes how you handle yourself. His observation of what effort and application you practice in the worst of situations… indicates how you will handle yourself in the best of situations. [reverse application of the “you have proven faithful in small things… now you will be given great things”]

Respect for authority is part of the 10 commandments. The commandment which says “honor your father and mother” is a command to show respect for authority [which like all authority comes from God]. The commandment is only the beginning of God’s instructions on the matter of respect for authority not the end.

As with all the commandments we begin with a broad and sweeping principle, respect for life… respect for property… respect for sex… avoid greed… respect for authority… and this principle is then expanded upon in various judgments, case studies, in good examples, in bad examples… the application of respect for authority is taught from the beginning of God’s word to the end.

The foundational laws/principles recorded in the commandments are built into the life experience of every person who has lived especially respect for authority. EVERYONE begins life with a father and a mother. Your life begins under authority… sometimes loving, sometimes harsh or oppressive... sometimes cavalier and uncaring. Always arbitrary… because no one gets to pick their parents… they just have to deal with what they have been given… and it shapes their attitudes toward authority from that point forward.

In this way authority is not just an idea that popped out of the imagination of human beings. Instead authority is built into the very biological, physical experience of every human being. The good news is that God provides you with clear instruction on the matter… honor/respect those who have authority over you.

That principle is then extended to other areas of life… your marriage, your family, government, your life in the body of Christ. Which brings us to our next issue.

How Do I Deal With Authority I Don’t Feel Respect For?

Sometimes persons or institutions of authority come in very disagreeable packages… a distant uncaring mother, an abusive father, a bullying boss or supervisor, a heavy handed minister, a president or political leader you think is a bad choice for office.

Watch what you think – this is where it begins. Thoughts are going to flicker in and out of your mind, you can’t stop it from happening. What is important is what you do with those thoughts. Do you linger on them and savor them, or do you address them using the conviction given to you by the holy spirit… and move on.

Watch what you say in private – the first step of towards acting on your thoughts... revealing your attitudes and feelings to what you consider a closed private circle. Words are not action BUT words are very important. Scripture is filled with warnings about the use of the tongue. Words may seem like they are nothing… not as serious as action… but you will be held accountable for your words by Jesus Christ.

Watch what you say in public – knowing we have a loyal group of sympathizers sometimes gives greater boldness… taking disrespect for authority into the public realm means you are not only being observed and assessed by Jesus Christ… you are being observed and assessed by other people, associates, co-workers, ministers, government officials etc. You are an ambassador and representative of the body of Christ. What you say in public [for better or worse] reflects upon the Church of God, your brothers and sisters in Christ, and the Master Himself. [What does God think of us when we misrepresent Him? It could very well be a violation of another command… taking God’s name in vain.]

Watch what you do – it’s a gradual escalation from thoughts, thoughts you dwell on, words said in private, words said in public… to actions. Public words and public action are close cousins. But clearly action takes you to a whole new level where you not only risk correction from Jesus Christ, you risk retribution from the authorities whom you are against.

Am I Referring to Something Specific?

Is this referring to disrespect towards the ministry?

Is it regarding disrespect towards government [police, presidents etc]?

Is it referring to disrespect in the workplace?

The answer to all of the above is YES.

Must I show Respect For Authority That is Unjust?

Was Saul unjust and threatening toward David… yes [was David disrespectful]

Where Roman soldiers unjust when beating and imprisoning Paul… yes [was Paul disrespectful]

Was NebuChadNezzar an ungodly man whom Daniel had to serve… yes [was Daniel disrespectful]

Was Jesus unjustly arrested, accused, killed… yes [was Jesus disrespectful]

Put on the Mind of Christ

If we are serious about the supposed renewing of our mind in Christ Jesus then we must all be serious about developing and cultivating respect for authority.

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