United Church of God

They Shall Learn the Way of War No More

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They Shall Learn the Way of War No More

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They Shall Learn the Way of War No More

MP3 Audio (41.38 MB)

A lot of human time and energy goes into the study of war, news about war, analysis and commentary on war, recovering from the last war, preparing for the next war. But, followers of Christ are called to become people who have learned to be peacemakers... those who do what needs to be done to make peace.


War & Peace

A lot of human time and energy goes into the study of war, news about war, analysis and commentary on war, recovering from the last war, preparing for the next war.

Much of our written history is history of our wars.

Human invention and cleverness gets poured into devising new ways to attack, or defend against attackers. Our technological breakthroughs often find some sort of military function... many technologies arise out of the necessity of war.

Machine intelligence [AI] and robotics are now being put to use on today's killing fields. Our advanced knowledge of the atom didn't take long to go from pure physics to military application in the atomic bomb. We have tip-toed around the use of chemical agents on the battlefield... because everyone was freaked out by the devastation. But the technology is all in place.

Growing knowledge of how to manipulate DNA has not seen military application [that we know of]. But, based on our track record it will in time.

The spirit of war of war has always been at work in human minds... but swords, or guns never had the ability to cause human extinction. But these "new" militarized technologies mentioned previously all appear to have the power to wipe human life off the planet.   

A Restraining Force

Genesis 11:5-7 God intervened early on to hold us back. Now the common language of science/math has allowed us to overcome it. What we are capable of when we work together this way is amazing, wonderful, scary, and according to prophecy... headed in a deadly direction.

1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 when what has been holding us back is removed...we move toward a time which Jesus said would be "unlike any other, which if not stopped by His return and  intervention would result in the extinction of all human life on earth [Matthew 24:21].

But Christ said He will return... and when Christ returns, one of His goals will be to specifically address the issue of war.

Isaiah 9:5-6, 2:2-4 available technology will be harnessed for cultivating the planet, growing abundant food... instead of harnessed for making war. But war isn't caused by technology... the way of war comes from somewhere else.

From Within and Without

Our impulse for war comes from what is within us... responding to sources outside us. A popular theory has been that ALL our problems stem from circumstances outside us... poverty, negative peer pressure, systemic problems with culture, society, politics, law... therefore, if we could address and overcome all those external factors then war would go away.

But the bible... and plain old observation tells us that in addition to external circumstances... there is something deep within our minds, hearts, and souls that leads to war.

James 4:1-3 God connects the spirit of war to covetousness... a desire to have what belongs to others... and to take it by any means... fair or foul.

Of all the 10 commands the instruction to not covet is the hardest to detect... because coveting takes place within your mind. There is no commandment against being rich... but how you feel about your riches IS addressed by the command. Which calls for wisdom.

On a national level covetousness leads to invasions meant to seize territory, natural resources, even enslaving vast populations. On a personal level this same spirit leads to robbery, theft, sex crimes, extortion, corruption, and in many cases murder.

Genesis 4:1-8 Abel had attained God's favor through an appropriate sacrifice... Cain did not. Cain became jealous of Abel. Rather than correct the deficiency of his own sacrifice Cain killed his brother... so Abel would not have something Cain did not have. A variation of covetousness... "if I can't have then no one can".

The garden of Eden was a perfect setting without any of the negative circumstances of poverty, social inequality, or bad laws. Cain's own evil desires lead to murder. The first act of war

Before that desperate act, God had warned Cain that he had to rule over such desires. We will cover the specifics of how we rule over that spirit of war but first we have to discuss another factor in the spirit of war that develops within us.

The Influence of Satan

Satan makes himself the adversary of God and humanity, but Satan does not take over your free will or force you to do anything... he is an expert in persuasion... ever nudging us in his way of thinking until we are convinced that violence, war, grabbing, taking, lording it over others... is the most logical way forward.

  1. John 8:44 Satan is a murderer by leading us to seek murder as the solution.
  2. He is the first to practice covetousness that leads to violence and war. Ezekiel 28:12-17 [verse 16 notes his attitude towards his possessions].
  3. Revelation 12:7-9 [leads the whole world astray in this manner of thinking].

This powerful spirit being is now confined to the earth... he appears to have direct access to our thoughts...he is the prince of the power of the air… he is at work in those who are disobedient. He is the god of this age who blinds the minds of unbelievers to the light of truth.

He is at work in all of us and he leads people in the way that leads to war Romans 3:10-17.

We say we want peace...  some demonstrate to stop a war... some negotiate treaties to stop wars... some build up overwhelming force so they cannot be attacked. And there are times when there is no war. But a pause between wars [long or short] is not real peace.

When we cry out peace, peace! ... what exactly do we mean? Do we understand that peace is more than the absence of violence? What is real peace?

Real peace on earth will only come when the root causes of war are addressed and overcome. To address and overcome the root causes of war... we need the return of Jesus Christ.

  • He has power over Satan and plans to bind him so his influence over the minds and spirits of humanity is gone.
  • He plans to re-educate humanity in the way of peace.

Christ's Teaching on Peace

The Christ of power and glory, ruling as king of kings will teach as he taught when He came the first time.  During His earthly ministry Jesus taught how to resolve conflict without resorting to violence... that's the true way of peace.

Yes, at His return Christ will address matters such as unfair distribution of wealth, negative cultural/social issues, bad laws... even the influence of Satan. The answer is so much more eliminating all possible sources of conflict.

But, as long as humans retain free-will, the selfish covetous desires within the human heart remain. God isn't going to take away free-will or free-thought. He is going to provide instruction, correction, discipline, training... in other words education.

People who learn His way... and freely choose His way... will receive eternal life. Those who don't won't.

Resolving Conflict

Conflict can be resolved by overwhelming power… and Christ will definitely have that power… Every difference and dispute could be brought before Christ for a quick executive decision. That would stop the conflict but does nothing to change or improve the parties involved. God want growth and spiritual maturity to grow in us.

Conflict can be resolved by righteous laws quickly and impartially executed, But again this doesn't necessarily change or improve the parties involved. It does not have a place for repentance, overcoming, learning from mistakes and character growth. God, our Father, wants to change the human heart so that we willingly choose the way of peace.

Let's look at some biblical lessons in peacemaking

Stop the Cycle of Retaliation

Matthew 5:38-39 if someone insults you... you may have every right to insult them back. But then they will very likely insult you even more, then you insult him more and the cycle escalates and feeds the spirit of war. Jesus says stop the cycle of tit-for-tat reciprocity.

Romans 12:17-21 trust God to judge, to reward, and to punish.

1 Corinthians 6:7-8 instead of tit-for-tat retaliation be willing to suffer loss. Willingness to suffer loss for the sake of peace means we have to alter the hierarchy of what we value.

Change Your Goals

Romans 8:5-8 you can change what is important to you and what is not... through the help of God's spirit. The holy spirit might prompt you, or give you insight, but you have to decide.

Romans 14:17-21 the people in Rome were arguing about who was the most spiritual. The flashpoint was matters of ritual fasting and vegetarianism. On debatable matters the bible's instruction is to put aside your pride [even if you happen to be right about debatable matters] for the sake of peace [15:1-3].   

Check Your Pride

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 the way of peace is also the way of Godly love... agape.

Philippians 2:3-5 the way of peace is an imitation of Jesus Christ

Additional Features of Peacemaking

Philippians 4:6-9 petition God for solutions. Relates to trusting God to judge… also think positive.

James 3:17-18 peace is not something we receive... its something we do... peaceMAKERS. Crying out to God for peace is of little lasting value if we do not change our thinking and behavior.

This is an outline for teaching the way of peace during the millennial rule of Christ. Teaching that gets at the root causes of the spirit of war rather than beating back the symptoms. Teaching that brings about change and spiritual growth in the students... and prepares them for an eternity of life as the fully matured children of God.

Makers of Peace

Matthew 5:9 Christ's followers are those who choose to to become makers of peace now [so they can help Christ teach the way of peace during the millennial reign... the KOG... when the inheritance of the earth is given to them]. That is your present purpose... to be ready to teach the way of peace by learning it yourself.

To help you learn you have been given God's word... you have been given instruction from God's Church... and you have been placed in a world filled with the spirit of war so you might learn the lessons fully.

The Church is an environment which shares the problems of this world... including conflict [Romans 14 or 1 Corinthians 7]. But God's Church is also a controlled environment where you are surrounded by people who themselves committed to learning the lessons of peace making... so its a place where you can learn in theory and in practice. The Church is not a refuge it is a classroom... or better yet a lab class. We are then expected to take what we learn out into the world.


Millennial prophecies speak of rebuilding the ruined cities, of vineyards and fields of ripe grain where once the land was desolate, old men and women dwelling in safety, children playing in the streets. These are all the fruits of peace... what we see on the surface.

But the way of peace is founded on a change in the human heart brought about by loving instruction and guidance from Christ ruling on earth.