United Church of God


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Total results: 3164.
by Micah Gunn
2024-05-23 to 2024-05-24
"Maybe the Bible's text was accurate 2,000 years ago, but it's been distorted as it has been passed down over time." If you've heard somebody claim the bible has been changed over time and that you can't trust it using that line of...
Inside United Podcast
by Steven Britt, Victor Kubik
Steven Britt stops by the studio to discuss the scholarly endeavor of apologetics with Victor Kubik. They reflect on external and internal sources that confirm the validity of the Bible and the truth therein.
by Lynn Leiby
Lawton, OK
The meaning of words change over time. In this sermon we examine apology, apologize and apologetics. Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through...
Compass Check
by Dan Preston
With Thanksgiving fresh on our minds and winter ahead, what can you find in this issue of Compass Check?
by William F. Flaman
Chicago, IL
How great of an apologist are you? Discover the value of apologetics and some great ways to be an apologist for God.
Compass Check
by Aaron Creech
I am someone who likes proof. I like evidence. I don’t want someone to say, “This is true” without showing me proof. Are you like that?
by Randy Stiver
Cincinnati East, OH
Be able to give an answer for the hope that lies within you.
United News
by Amanda Miller
It is important that we know how to give a defense for our way of life, doctrinal beliefs and the existence of God in respectful and appropriate conversations.
Compass Check

In this issue, you’ll get a little more info on how to give a truly apologetic answer to folks who ask about your faith.

by Charlie Hart
God set aside His Sabbath Day as an important period of time each week for His people to come together to worship Him. This sermon goes through a handful of important Sabbath related apologetics.
by Charlie Hart
New Jersey - North
God set aside His Sabbath Day as an important period of time each week for His people to come together to worship Him. This sermon goes through a handful of important Sabbath related apologetics.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
China and Japan's dispute over little known islands could create bigger problems if not handled wisely.
by Frank Fish
Los Angeles, CA
Was Jesus Christ a legendary figure that did not actually exist? Was He merely a great human moral teacher, or did He make claims of divinity. This message examines the apologetic argument, popularized by C.S. Lewis and sometimes called "...
United News
by Ben Light
On the Oregon Coast, 116 campers spent a fun-filled week together learning about the battle God has called us to fight.
United News
Ben Light
The 2018 Northwest Young Adults Enrichment weekend was held on Nov. 9-12 at the Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Facility in Turner, Oregon.
We had 51 attendees from six different states who were present for Sabbath services and the seminars.  Seminar topics revolved around the theme, “In the World, Not of It,” and they included helpful subjects such as: Managing...
Jesus Christ: The Real Story
by United Church of God
Jesus was not created. He existed from eternity along with God the Father.
United News
Mark Welch
During Labor Day weekend (Aug. 30-Sept. 2), 27 participants from six countries (Australia, Canada, Chile, Germany, United Kingdom and United States) met in Cincinnati for our 18th annual Leadership Workshop. Friday evening, all...
On the Sabbath, we had a modified Sabbath service and Bible study with hymns and presentations by Darris McNeely and Steve Myers. Mr. McNeely began the day with the theme of the conference, “A Leader Is First a Disciple.” He stressed the...
United News
Ariana Del Signore
After nine months of learning, serving and growing, the 20th ABC class graduated in May. The class of 34 students completed their studies with the motto "Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve" in mind.
The Ambassador Bible College class of 2019 graduated on the afternoon of May 19. ABC coordinator Frank Dunkle welcomed the audience, followed by class president Morgan Greene’s student discourse in which he recounted highlights from the...
