United Church of God


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Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
Bible prophecy warns of the rise of a ruthless superpower. Learn what it means for you.
United News

The May-June 2020 issue of United News contains a front page article about the success of a recent Beyond Today program and an article about how members are coping with the pandemic.

United News
As we prepare for Pentecost, join us in watching the Bible study video series, "Power to Change."
Power to Change: Inside Out Please join us again this week in enhancing our study and preparation for the Day of Pentecost through our Beyond Today Bible study video series: “Power to Change: The Transforming Power of...
Beyond Today
by Katherine Rowland
Is what others see in us on the outside, who we really are on the inside?
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
Being a Christian is less about doing the right thing, and more about doing the right thing for the correct reason. We need to change our default thoughts and actions, not just go through the motions. God's Spirit can help us.
United News
Peter Eddington
From July 18 through 28 our Beyond Today television presenters, along with four technical staff, are going to record nine new Beyond Today television programs on location in Germany and Belgium. Six will be in English, and three will be in...
[JULY 12 2017] Beyond Today television presenters Steve Myers, Gary Petty and Darris McNeely will each record two programs, and Paul Kieffer, our German-language director, will record three programs in German for our...
United News
Peter EddingtonVictor Kubik
Current insightful commentary, articles, special media productions and more from our media team and writers—plus news of interest about the United Church of God.
May 13, 2022 Build on the Rock When a person has surrendered one’s life to God and is actively seeking His will (Romans 12:1-2), they will find that “God can use any of us in unexpected ways for His...
United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today presenters recorded their first program in the newly renovated studio Feb. 3 and 4.
In anticipation of an April 2010 launch on several U.S. broadcast television stations, our Beyond Today television set received a very complimentary upgrade during January that covered several areas: • A new backdrop...
Beyond Today
by Katherine Rowland
If we want to get a good view of ourselves, the only way to do it is through the illumination that God provides.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
What is the key message Christ has for you in this letter?
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
World News and Prophecy Seminars online. View recent seminars given by writers of World News and Prophecy at www.wnponline.org/videos/. E-mail Updates...
United News
by John LaBissoniere
Do we place as much emphasis on the development of our character as we do in making sure we look physically presentable each day?
United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik reflects on the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, one year later. He discusses Christians' duty as light-bearers during dark times in the world.
Minneapolis a year later—seeing the Light As I write, one year has elapsed since the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Former police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of second-degree murder by a jury trial on April 20....
