United Church of God


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This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Mahatma Gandhi once said: "Be the change you wish to see."
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
U.S. Customs agents charged a West Hollywood, California, man with printing 250 counterfeit bills.
by Jim Tuck
Phoenix East, AZ
Mr. Jim Tuck Title: “The Sanctity of Life” Tribute to Chuck Zimmerman. Content: War makes life expendable and cheap. What is the true value of a human life? In an age where millions die every year what is the sanctity of life.
by Scott McKeon
Northern Arizona
What does God want us to learn as we count the days to Pentecost?
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
Discover six ways that prophetic knowledge should impact your life and Christianity.
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
Excellent sermon on how the physical offerings of ancient Israel pointed to Jesus Christ.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
The Revelation of Jesus Christ declares that when the Seventh Angel Sounds there will be “Loud Voices in Heaven” causing the whole world to Pivot on the Power and Promise of the Seven “AND’s” contained in this ONE Proclamation.
United News
The new website offers a unified visual appearance and makes it easy for Portuguese speakers to find the Church's material.
After much diligent effort and hard work, Portuguese language UCG literature and other material will be available on a new Portuguese language website: http://portugues.ucg.org. The new site is designed as a copy of the main UCG.org site...
Bible Study Aids

In these pages we examine the fruits Jesus and His apostles said would identify His Church. We look at the contrasting fruits that identify those who are influenced by a different spirit and preach a different gospel.

by Scott Ashley
The latest theory about the origin of the epidemic should be of great interest to those who take the Bible seriously, particularly its instructions regarding health and diet.
Good News
by Good News
Over the years, many marriage counselors and couples have cited finances as a major cause of divorce.
Good News
by Good News
The following links and booklet offers will help in the difficulties of being a single parent.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
David Jones
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Register To This Site Estes Park, Colorado Isaiah 2:2 “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD's house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And...
