United Church of God


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Total results: 50889.
United News
Herbert Teitgen
Members of the Fargo, North Dakota, congregation celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Church of God in Fargo.
Members from another fellowship joined the UCG members for the event at the Seventh Day Adventist meeting hall on the afternoon of July 9. Pastor Herb Teitgen gave the sermon that reviewed the history of the apostolic Church, a brief...
United News
Mark Welch
In this personal from MMS, Mark Welch writes about a recent trip visiting congregations in North Dakota, wilderness canoe trip with ministers and plans to visit brethren in Colorado and Washington.
Our new ministerial trainee, Marcus Lucas, and I returned to Cincinnati on Monday of this week after a very profitable and productive trip to Fargo and Bismarck, North Dakota, for the Sabbath and Pentecost, June 4 and 5. We had ample...
United News
Chris Rowland
As these men and their wives transition to their new assignments, your continued prayers and support are appreciated as they strive to serve God and His people.
At the beginning of January, Scott McKeon was appointed pastor of the congregations in Phoenix Northwest and Northern Arizona. Mr. McKeon and his wife, Carrie, had been assisting the previous pastor, Jim Tuck. Mr. McKeon will also continue...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik reports on the 400th Beyond Today television program recording this week and the recent deaths of two longtime servants of God's Church. He then talks about the coronavirus and the impact of...
Yesterday we recorded the 400th, 401st and 402nd Beyond Today television programs before a capacity audience in our media studio. The titles were "Making Your Life Work," "Eat Clean" and "Was Jesus a Socialist or...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
In this second message during the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar in Atlanta, Philip Aust explains the remainder of God's plan of salvation for all mankind by describing the final four of God's Holy Days that take place in the Fall: the Feast...
by Mark Welch
Northwest Arkansas
This first session of the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar, entitled, "God's Holy Day Plan," will be used to answer the title question by showing how God clearly established His Holy Days as revealed in the Bible, including what days are...
by Dave Hale
Denver, CO
Daily headlines warn us about financial uncertainty, terror threats and continuing culture wars. How can you be prepared for the next turn in world events? God wants you and your family to survive and succeed! Today, let’s learn how you...
by Mark Welch
Northwest Arkansas
This second session of the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar, entitled, "God's Holy Day Plan," will be used to show how God's plan of salvation for mankind (not just present day Christians) is revealed in His Holy Days. Why do Christians...
United News
Peter Eddington
Six events have now been completed in the Beyond Today live series of events titled America: The Time Is Now! Since last October seminars have been held in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; Indianapolis,...
Results The event in Nashville, Tennessee, on Sunday, Feb. 21, drew 152 total people, with 45 of those being new guests who were invited to attend via ads in Beyond Today magazine, BT subscriber letters, online...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
United Church of God congregation sponsored a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar for readers or the Good News Magazine, Beyond Today TV program viewers and others interested in understanding what Christ preached about the soon-coming Kingdom of...
United News
Now that we are back from the Feast, our collective mission around the world is to more earnestly continue building the spiritual temple—individually and collectively—that Jesus Christ will return to.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, It is good to know that everyone is home safely from the Feast. Those who were in Israel and Guatemala, it was a Feast you and all of us will remember...
by Don McCoy
Columbia, MD
Part 2 of the Kingdom of God seminar that linked God's kingdom to the seven Holy Days given in Leviticus 23.
by Don McCoy
Columbia, MD
Part 1 of the Kingdom of God seminar that linked God's Kingdom to the Seven Holy Days given in Leviticus 23.
by Kevin Good
Hickory, NC
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.  How can we be prepared for the next turn of world events? 
by Leroy Cole
Lehigh Valley, PA
Kingdom of God Seminar - 8 specific reasons why as a church we believe in keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days.

Cheesy, crunchy, with a touch of spice.

United News
Chuck Zimmerman
Three Kingdom of God Bible Seminars were held in Jamaica and St. Lucia during the Holy Days.
In Montego Bay, Jamaica, a seminar was held on March 23. This was the second lecture conducted by UCG in Montego Bay. Good Newssubscribers from the surrounding area were invited. Nine new people attended the lecture, which was...

A dainty, crumbly cookie topped off with your favorite preserves. Great served with tea.
