United Church of God

Give Comfort, Encouragement, and Support: How to Give Them & How Not to Give Them

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Give Comfort, Encouragement, and Support

How to Give Them & How Not to Give Them

MP3 Audio (15.62 MB)


Give Comfort, Encouragement, and Support: How to Give Them & How Not to Give Them

MP3 Audio (15.62 MB)

God’s Word teaches us to ‘do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith’ (Galatians 6:10). A major way to show godly love is to give comfort and spiritual, emotional, and physical support to anyone going through a serious trial or who has been the victim of a tragedy. It’s vital that we learn the simple ways to do this plus what not to do, such as repeating simplistic shallow platitudes that often are only half-true and are more discouraging than encouraging. Attentive and empathetic listening is more important than what we say. Whatever we do say should be biblically accurate and from our hearts.

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