United Church of God


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Total results: 3994.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Peter Eddington
Will intelligent machines replace humans? What is micro-evolution? Why do the tectonic plates make Earth hospitable to life? Peter Eddington returns for part 2 of the discussion of this year's Conference on Science & Faith hosted by...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What if Abraham hadn't entertained strangers?
by Randy Urwiller
East Texas
Hospitality is a virtue and an aspect of God’s way of life that followers of Jesus Christ need to understand and appreciate and do. More than that, they/we need to be practicing hospitality God’s way for it is vital to becoming more like...
by Ray Clore
Northern Virginia
Let's examine the concept of hospitality using some Bible verses. Fairly regular hospitality should indeed be part of our Christian character.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Although it is hotly debated, healthcare in America is there for those who need it and millions benefit from it every day.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What are we consuming? Is it the "junk food" of distraction, or the health and nourishment of God's Word?
by Troy Phelps
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Troy Phelps Date: 2/11/23 Many of the qualifications of an elder that Paul gave Timothy...
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
Hospitality is a trait all Christians should exhibit. This sermon looks at some relevant passages from the Bible about hospitality, and encourages local members to make plans to host one another in their homes.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A recent Doritos ad showing a fetus raised objections from pro-choice advocates.
Good News
by LeeAnn Luker
Hospitality is well on its way out. But understanding what hospitality is-and isn't-may help you recapture the spirit of hospitality.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
What lesson can you learn from helping others that will help you overcome depression?
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
It’s easy to breeze through the rather straightforward instruction to “practice” hospitality and consider it a minor point on a checklist of things to do. But hospitality fits into the larger context of Romans 12:13, 1 Peter 4:9, Hebrews...
by Ron Barker
Dayton, OH
Taking a look at the lessons of hospitality taught in the Bible and how we can apply them into our life.
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
We need to practice hospitality among one another as an exercise of both agape and Philadelphia love. Hospitality is commanded of us in three specific scriptures. The context of these verses provides additional understanding of the role...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
New technology in our modern world is now bleeding over into people's religious lives. What does God expect of us?
by Dennis Stawarz
San Diego, CA
Imagine the church as a hospital, as we are placed in an environment to be rehabilitated from the spiritual virus called Sin. As we recover over a lifetime, we grow in the awareness of the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the ultimate...
by Brian McGuire
Ann Arbor, MI
A look at the Christian requirement of hospitality in the Bible.
by Sam Sweat
Dallas, TX
Why do we return from the Feast of Tabernacles with a buzz? What is it that is so concentrated and intense that we are sustained for 8 days and beyond? It is a fulfilling of the two great commandments. This sermon focuses on loving your...
