United Church of God


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Total results: 4627.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Rex Sexton
Rex Sexton discusses his experience as director of Northwest Camp, the genesis of UYC, what campers can expect this summer, and more with Victor Kubik.
United News
God continues to provide the Church with all it needs. We know and trust He will see us through whatever comes our way.
From the Treasurer... UCGIA Financial Update With the end of June marking the final month in fiscal year 2023-2024, we are encouraged to report that (unaudited figures throughout) total income has increased more than...
UCG Short Films
by Jonathan Magee, Jamie Schreiber, Kayleen Schreiber
What does the Lord require?
United News
Ben Light
Northwest Camp will be held July 21-28, 2024. Please register at uyc.ucg.org.
Northwest Camp It’s difficult to picture a more picturesque location for a summer camp than the northern portion of the scenic Oregon Coast. Campers will enjoy a spectacular, private, mile-long lake along the eastern border of the camp...
United News
Join us from Dec. 22-25 for the annual Northwest Family Weekend.
Join us from Dec. 22-25 in Portland, Oregon for the Northwest Family Weekend! The weekend will begin with a meet and greet on Friday night. All of the activities on the Sabbath will be held at the Redwood Friends Church (the regular...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Millions of Americans are going through financial difficulties. What changes can we make to our money habits?
by William Bradford
Northwest Indiana
This sermon starts with the annual congregational review for Beloit, Chicago, and Northwest Indiana, before proceeding into this year's spiritual theme for the three congregations: living first & every day as citizens of heaven.
United News
Join us for a campout from September 1-4, 2023.
Sponsored by the Portland, Oregon, congregation, the Northwest Church campout will be held at the Beacon Rock G1 Campsite in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge from September 1-4, 2023.
by Robert Nettles
Northwest Arkansas
God gives us tools to recognize and resist deception.
UCG Short Films
by Rudy Rangel III, Lena VanAusdle, Jamie Schreiber, Lewis VanAusdle
The worst natural disaster to ever hit the island nation leaves people struggling for meaning and hope. 
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Jesus Christ shows His servants the events that must take place shortly, as the time is near.
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
A review of the Book of Micah, Chapter 6, Verse 8, which summarizes three qualities that God expects of us.
by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
This is the final section of our monthly Bible study into the epistle of 1 John.
by Robert J Pflaum
Northwest Indiana
Choosing righteousness is a continual action of preparing our hearts to seek and do the law of God.
United News
United News
Join us for this weekend of fellowship, learning and activities.
The Portland, Oregon, congregation is excited for another Northwest Family Weekend! This year, the event will take place on Dec. 23-26, for a weekend of friends, fellowship and fun in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. The weekend will...
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
The book of Revelation can be overwhelming in its complexity, yet we can see that there is a structure that helps us understand and organize the book so that we can glean the most from the content.
by William Bradford
Northwest Indiana
We are called to be peacemakers, as mentioned in the beatitudes (Matthew 5). This sermon covers principles of becoming peacemakers.
by David Cook
Northwest Arkansas
We need to be cautious about our motivation for doing good, that it does not become routine, instead, remaining a fruit of our love for God.
United News
Rex Sexton
A successful Northwest Family Weekend was held by the Portland, Oregon, congregation.
The Portland, Oregon, congregation welcomed nearly 200 brethren from around the Pacific Northwest to another annual Northwest Family Weekend from Dec. 23–25. While cold temperatures, snowy weather and icy conditions on Thursday evening...
United News
Rex Sexton
Northwest Camp will be held July 24-31, 2022. Please register at uyc.ucg.org
Northwest Camp Located between beautiful green coastal mountains, a private lake and one of the most pristine stretches of beach in the Pacific Northwest, Northwest camp at Camp Magruder offers spectacular scenic beauty and many...
