United Church of God


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by Randy D'Alessandro
All too often in our society a public figure faces humiliation after a sinful action comes to light. We regularly hear the phrase, "I take full responsibility for my actions." What does this phrase really mean? Taking responsibility means...
Compass Check
by Dan Preston
Interviews showcasing a diverse range of life and career stories, with helpful notes on the way of life as a Christian. Today's subject: Heidi Braun, Managing Editor of Internal Publications at United Church of God.
United News
Victor Kubik
Letter from the President
UCG president Victor Kubik talks about upcoming Beyond Today Live personal appearance campaign and provides update on Lewis and Lena VanAusdle serving in Malawi.
Personal Appearance Campaign in Florida This Weekend We are en route to Florida for two Beyond Today Live personal appearances in Orlando on the Sabbath, and in Tampa on Sunday. Some of the crew are driving the equipment...
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
Christ commissioned His Church to preach the gospel to every creature. He is beginning to build a world for tomorrow through the efforts of the Church today. How can you play a part in His great plan?
by Debbie Carper
As Christians our lives are bound up with hope. There is no escaping it. But the world around us can sap that hope from us. Here are seven ways to counteract that and infuse hope back into our lives.
United News
Peter Eddington
80 million Beyond Today magazine and study aids to be advertised in United States households.
[December 22, 2017] Throughout January, February and March 2018, 80,000,000 advertisements featuring Beyond Today magazine and our Bible study aids will reach households from coast-to coast in the United States. This...
by Tom Disher
The Internet team at the United Church of God is always looking for ways to improve our visitor's experience.
United News
Rick Shabi
Make sure your physical preparations for the Feast are complete, but do not neglect the spiritual preparation that is absolutely requisite.
As we approach the end of the summer season, things and our focus can change. Our children go back to school, we finish up our vacations or plan to take one if we haven’t had time to take some time off over the last few months, and our...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
A warning is now being proclaimed about severe tumult to soon strike our world. Are you making urgent preparations?
United News
Victor Kubik
Netherlands—As of Jan. 1 this year, UCG-Netherlands is a separate, distinct entity in Europe with its own National Council, just like Italy, Germany, France and the British Isles.
When UCG-Netherlands was founded, there were no resident ordained elders in the country. Therefore, it was decided to temporarily associate with another UCG entity—in this case, UCG-Germany, with Paul Kieffer serving as pastor. The Dutch...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Anger can be highly destructive or be used in a positive way with God’s help to create goodwill and peace.
United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik writes about the Beyond Today recordings held on Wednesday of this news, and also includes the text of the semi-annual Beyond Today subscriber letter.
Wednesday, we resumed recording the Beyond Today television program after the Festival break. The three new programs recorded were: “Watch Out!” by Steve Myers, “Smyrna: Faith Under Fire” by Darris McNeely and “You...
