United Church of God


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Total results: 51816.
United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today presenters recorded their first program in the newly renovated studio Feb. 3 and 4.
In anticipation of an April 2010 launch on several U.S. broadcast television stations, our Beyond Today television set received a very complimentary upgrade during January that covered several areas: • A new backdrop...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Mario Seiglie
Good News writer Mario Seiglie talks about articles that focus on God, science and the Bible in the latest issue of the Good News magazine.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A pass to get us behind the scenes at a sporting event or concert can be amazing. But giving complete access to our heart and mind is something else.
Beyond Today Magazine

In the 160 years that have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin’s book On the Evolution of Species, the theory of Darwinian evolution has dominated science and education.

Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
An interesting verse in 2 Thessalonians shows us how to avoid being deceived.
United News
A new feature has been added to Beyond Today airing schedules.
A new feature has been added to Beyond Today airing schedules. Short, descriptive synopses now accompany each program title. Beyond Today member-sponsors have been encouraged to use this information in various ways...
by Darris McNeely
The controversy over Hilary Clinton’s e-mail arrangement while Secretary of State points out how easy it is for us to be distracted from bigger events in the world. There are two items in the news that we should note.
United News
Victor Kubik
UCG President, Victor Kubik, shares updates while traveling in South Africa and Malawi.
As we approach the Passover service, I pray that all of us in God's Church can seriously understand the need to truly put on Jesus Christ, whose suffering and death we will be commemorating. This is a time when we not only recommit our...
United News
Victor Kubik
Letter from the President
UCG president Victor Kubik talks about upcoming Beyond Today Live personal appearance campaign and provides update on Lewis and Lena VanAusdle serving in Malawi.
Personal Appearance Campaign in Florida This Weekend We are en route to Florida for two Beyond Today Live personal appearances in Orlando on the Sabbath, and in Tampa on Sunday. Some of the crew are driving the equipment...
